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Information For Shaking Up Shakespeare Evening Performance
05 Mar 2025
SHAKING UP SHAKESPEARE – Evening Performance!
Friday 7th March 6pm
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a pleasure to see the children enjoying participating in this week’s Shaking Up Shakespeare drama workshop. They have shown great dedication already in learning their individual lines, working collaboratively and have been embracing and overcoming the difficulties of performing.
We are delighted to invite you into Handsworth to watch our evening performance at
6pm this Friday (07.03.25).
We will dismiss children using our usual routine on Friday at 3.30.
Please see below the timings for the show.
Time |
5.20pm |
All musicians arrive at the main reception. This provides them with additional time to tune instruments and store them in position in the hall.
5.30pm |
All other actors arrive at the main reception. Changing to take place in Y4 classrooms, other belongings to be stored in 3MS.
5.45pm |
Doors to the main hall open and parents/carers/audience can take their seats. Please note you need to make your way through the KS1 and Early Years playground to access the doors to the hall.
6.00pm |
The show begins.
Approx. 7.30pm |
The show ends.
Parents leave the hall via KS1 and Early Years playground and wait for the children outside the main reception.
Children will head back through the school to 3MS, collect their belongings and then be dismissed from the main reception by their class teachers. |
Costumes are mostly provided by Anthony Glenn. He has requested that the children bring in a black/dark t-shirt to wear for the performance. This can be brought in before Friday and kept in school.
The children are putting in enormous effort into producing the show and we want to ensure the focus is on celebrating their performance. Where possible, we ask that you make alternative arrangements for younger siblings. All classes from Year 1 and above will have had the opportunity to watch the show during the dress rehearsals.
We kindly ask that you limit attendees to two people per child to ensure safe capacity. Please do advise us beforehand if you would like to bring additional people via email
school@handsworth.waltham.sch.uk and we will endeavour to accommodate this.
Best regards,
Mr Mussell & Mr Scott