The Governing Body

The Governing Body at Handsworth has been awarded Governor Mark, which is a national award providing an external evaluation of the quality of governance in a school.  We are the only school in Waltham Forest to have achieved this quality mark.
Handsworth’s Governing Body supports the school and the Head Teacher, and we are responsible for:
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
We aim to ensure the school has clear aims and values that are championed by the whole school community. All our work has school improvement and pupil and staff well-being at its heart. We work with the Head Teacher and staff in establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning so that every pupil achieves to the best of his or her ability.

When do we meet, and how do we work?

Our full Governing Body meets at least once and sometimes twice a term. In order to delegate and share the Governing Body's responsibilities effectively, we have two committees which meet separately from the full Governing Body once every half-term. These committees are; Resources (which includes Finance, Personnel and Premises) and Teaching and Learning.

Every Governor at Handsworth takes on a Link Governor role, allowing individuals to focus on a key area in the school, for example, English, Maths, Well-being or Health & Safety. Link Governors get to know one area of the school in more detail, and reports from each link area enable the Governing Body to learn more about the school and provide information which supports strategic decisions around school improvement.

Please get in contact; click Contact Governors at the top of the page.

Handsworth Avenue
Highams Park
E4 9PJ

Please read more about our SEND provision here.
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