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Week nine - settling in to a routine
16 Jun 2020
It has been lovely seeing you all in school; the weather has been kind to us, and we've been able to read our books and eat our lunch outside.

We've also enjoyed catching up with you on Zoom if you are unable to come in.
We are in the process of organising the Graduation ceremony for this year. It looks like we will not be able to physically see you all together in one place. However, we have some ideas to make this a very special event for you all!
There are some things we need from you to help us do this. An email will go out shortly to explain everything. In the meantime, please make sure that you are learning the leavers' song - lyrics are in the Summer newsletter. We are going to record the Year 6s who are in school. Once we have recorded some children, we will send those at home a version so they can sing along to it and record themselves.
Stay safe!
Mr Mussell