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Welcome virtual learners!

20 Mar 2020 6SM!
I’m really sad not to be able to see you all this morning, but this doesn’t mean that I’m not here for you. Ask me questions; tell me jokes; share your news with me.

We can still communicate and I am still your teacher so if you need any help, message me in the comments below!

From Monday 23rd March, the expectation is that you complete the following each day:
  • Maths task (which I will upload daily – go to the homework tab to find this)
  • English task (which I will also upload daily – again, from the homework tab)
  • Comprehension: go on to and complete at least one test
  • Read your book for half an hour
  • Spellings: revise for ten minutes
  • Languages: spend half an hour on learning a language
  • Projects: spend at least an hour on your Science, Topic and Art projects (see Projects for your options).
All of this activity is to keep your brain active. But remember, you need to look after yourselves.
Take regular breaks: remember our class breathing activities – close your eyes and spend a few minutes relaxing. Phone a relative or a friend for a conversation: Ask how they are, what they have been doing and how they are coping.

Stay well.
Mr Mussell
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23 Mar 2020 07:05
Last edited on 23 Mar 2020 - 07:06
Hello MR Mussell Maria and family wishing you Well. We all trying to adapt to all this new life and keep up with homeschooling,trying our best. Thank you Maria Robbani
23 Mar 2020 09:15
Hey Guys! Lovely too hear from you! Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Missing everyone already, Mr Mussell
23 Mar 2020 09:46
Good morning Mr Mussell. Anna has just joined in with Joe Wicks PE session and enjoyed it. We are now looking through the work. Have a good day. Clare and Anna.
23 Mar 2020 09:58
Hi Sir what is the best way to do this homework please? Some mums are completing on A4 paper then taking a picture, uploading it and then attaching the file and submitting it.... Is there a way to do it online for instance, edit it and complete on the screen. Any information helpful. Thanks. Clare Chalk.
23 Mar 2020 10:04
Hi, how should this work be completed on paper or via computer? Shannon, Thierry’s Mum also I hope you are well
23 Mar 2020 10:34
Hi Guys! I'm very well thanks, I hope you're all good too! The children can complete the tasks whichever way is best for them. If they prefer they can write it on paper, take a picture and upload it, or they can type their work on Microsoft Word, or something similar, and upload the file. I love the Joe Wick's workouts, we did some in school and the children loved them, they're a fun way to keep active!
23 Mar 2020 12:27
Hello. Can they learn any language on Duolingo? Thanks
23 Mar 2020 13:10
Last edited on 23 Mar 2020 - 18:32
Hi Kate, they can learn any language - it may be useful to check out which language/s they will study at their secondary school and use this chance to develop that. Hi Shayla, there won't be any tasks on the weekends, if you want to keep busy you can continue your projects - but remember its really important to give yourselves some free time!
25 Mar 2020 08:40
Mr.Mussell, I am having problems uploading Thierry’s work? I am trying to upload a photo and it appears to be just ignoring me when I try lol!
25 Mar 2020 08:42
How do you get into the comprehension work
25 Mar 2020 10:23
Were having trouble with are log in password and username
25 Mar 2020 11:16
Hi Amanda, Isobel has a slightly different username and I had it emailed to you on Friday by the office. If your using the new one and that doesn't work let me know and I'll chase it up. Thanks
25 Mar 2020 11:41
Hi Shannon, is it OK? I have received some of Thierry's work as a picture?
25 Mar 2020 12:14
Mr Mussell, can you please confirm Tenzin's TT Rockstars login details. Many thanks
25 Mar 2020 19:15
Hi Tsering, I have emailed them too you! Thanks
26 Mar 2020 08:54
What is Isobels ttrockstars login and password
26 Mar 2020 14:23
Hi Amanda and Shahana, I have emailed you the children's login details for TTR
30 Mar 2020 11:20
Hi Shahana and Shayla. I'm well thanks and I hope you guys are too. At this stage I don't know about the residential. I have spoken with the other teachers and we have said that we will try to organise some form of celebration if we can't go ahead with our usual graduation and production etc. It all depends on when we are able to re-open the school and we haven't got a clear time frame for that yet.
30 Mar 2020 11:20
What I can say is that I really want there to be a celebration of Year 6's time at Handsworth and it's a huge part of why I love being a teacher, and so if there's anything we can do to celebrate we will.
01 Apr 2020 11:17
Hi Shayla, sorry about page 7 yesterday! Just skip that page.
03 Apr 2020 11:17
Hi, Mr Mussell, I hope are well. I can't upload Tenzin's poem recitation! Should I email it? Thank you
03 Apr 2020 12:06
Hi, Mr.Mussell, that was the only one I could upload, it doesn’t appear to let me upload anything else. Is there anyway I could email it or can I get some help lol! Sorry for the inconvenience! Shannon
03 Apr 2020 12:07
When I press the submit button nothing happens! I have no idea why
19 Apr 2020 16:50
Hey Shannon, please email the poem too thanks!


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