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Ancient Greeks Go Digital
16 Oct 2019
If you are interested in furthering your own learning in preparation for next half term, why not have a go at tinkering with Python coding?
1. Try one of the following text-based adventure games - how far can you go?
- The matter of the monster
- Zork
Are you able to map out the 'rooms' for either game?
2. Go to trinket.io and experiment with the coding we have already looked at:
for i in [“red”,”green”,”blue”]:
print “I like the colour”,i
for i in range(10):
print "2 to the power",i," = ",2**i
for i in range(10):
print "7 x ",i," = ",7*i
for i in range(10):
print i,"x",i," = ",i*i
3. Research a Greek Myth and see if you can map out the story as an adventure game. What 'rooms' could you have? What type of decisions would your gamer be making?