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VE DAY Projects- 3LB
13 May 2020
Well done for your brilliant work 3LB, I am REALLY impressed and proud of you all!
Have a look at your fantastic projects below...
Amelia- May really enjoyed learning about the evacuation of children during WW2.
​Deyan and Ashy!
Eliza made this big poster with lots of facts about VE day and included photos of her Great great uncle Colin who flew spitfires in the war.
"I made my cardboard tank which I love and I played with my toy soldiers. My mum helped me colouring the flag, and solve the wordsearch. It was fun making paper planes like the Spitfire. And our family had a BBQ in our garden and baked cupcakes. I made the flags with toothpicks."

Please feel free to send in your projects at a later date to share!