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The adventurous tales of the snail and the whale

20 Jun 2014


We wrote sentences about ‘The adventures of the snail and the whale’.

Can you find all the adjectives and other wow words in our writing?

We used connectives too!
The snail was scared of the lightning and the thunderstorm. He was scared of the fiery mountain. The whale was too. After that the storm stopped. The waves were calm and the beach was also full of playing children. The adults were busy. The sun was out. Furthermore the birds are flying in the big blue sky. “I wonder if there’s another storm brewing.” Would you like to be in a storm?” said the whale. The snail wriggled on the whale’s tail, “Yes,” he said.
By Lola

The tiny snail is gazing at the beautiful sunny sky. The big grey blue humpback whale is on the starlit sea. The tiny snail is singing a wonderful song because he is on the shimmering sea. The little red crabs are holding hands and dancing on the golden sand together. Furthermore you could hear zigzagging lightning in the distance because over the mountain there is some lightning.
By Molly

… The looped up snail is on the whale’s tail gazing at the starlit sea. The little red crabs thought that the whale is immensely long! Zigzag lightning is flashing with an ear splitting roar! “I think that the volcano is making an ear splitting roar.” The tiny little snail said to the crab, “Would you like to come play with us?” “Is the storm still coming towards us?”
By Amelie

Shimmering sea as calm as can be! Crashing waves zig zag lightning and the dark sky above them. Because it’s so hot the whale is under the sea. Beautiful birds are diving into the sea. Starlit shimmering calm sea.  No towering icebergs not even one to be seen. Really really hot golden sand no one could touch it. However it took a long time to travel around the world. After a while the snail got tired after all that travelling. Would it be scary for you if you were on a whale’s tail?
By Priya

The waves arched and crashed! There were fiery mountains everywhere and there was a big thunderstorm. Then there was a big ear splitting roar by a fiery mountain erupting.  The little snail gazed at the golden sand and saw the crabs dancing on the sand. The zig zagging and zooming in the sky. Next the squirting and spraying came. However the tiny snail is so small but she does have ideas. Then after that shall we find treasures like pirates? The sun is shining…
by Mae

The snail and the whale gazed at the calm sea and the crabs are dancing because the snail with the itchy foot thought it was a good day!  The whale sprayed some water out of his back…Have you seen the snail and the whale?
By Zoe 

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01 Jul 2014 17:37
These are all brilliant!! Well done girls. I am so impressed.


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