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Good morning 2KC!
11 Jan 2021
Good morning lovely 2KC!
I hope you are all well and you have had a relaxing fun weekend with your family. I enjoyed two socially distanced long walks in the woods with my family and Rubble. It was freezing but we wrapped up warm, enjoyed the fresh air, splish-splashed in muddy puddles, fed the ducks and had a lovely cup of hot chocolate when we returned home. What have you been up to?
Your home learning tasks for today are:
*Feelings scale (10 minutes)
*Maths (1 hour)
*English (1 hour)
*Guided Reading (30 minutes)
*Religious Education (30 minutes)
*Music (30 minutes
Thank you for sending me your work and photos last week, please see our home page for the Celebration of some of your Amazing Home Learning. I am so proud of all of you! I can't wait to see what you are going to share with me this week. I miss you lots.
Happy Monday! Stay Safe! Stay in touch
Lots of love,
Mrs Chetty