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Good morning 2KC!
08 Jan 2021

Good morning 2KC!
I hope you are all well and safe. This week has certainly gone by really quickly. Hopefully you were able to get into routine, where you are doing a little bit of everything everyday like keeping fit, home learning, reading, playtime and lots of fun with your family. It has been lovely speaking to you during the week and I loved hearing about all the wonderful things you are doing at home with your family.
Your home learning tasks for today are:
*Feelings scale (10 minutes)
*Maths (1 hour)
*English (1 hour)
*Phonics (20 minutes)
*Art (1hour)
*Reading (15 minutes)
Thank you for all your hard work put into your home learning and your work, photos and messages shared with me. Keep up the wonderful work! Thank you parents for your ongoing support especially during this challenging time - you are doing an amazing job!
Please join me in wishing Ellie A Very Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day Ellie with your friends and your family. Sending you all our love.
Hope to see you all later today for our Zoom catch-up at 4pm. Please see details posted on our home page.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with your family!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty