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Good morning 2KC!
05 Jan 2021

Good morning 2KC
I hope you and your families are all well and safe. A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you! I was really looking forward to welcoming all of you in person this Spring term but sadly due to the coronavirus pandemic we have to return to home learning again for a while so that we can continue to keep ourselves and others safe.
We are living in unusual times and this will be a big change in our routine. In the home learning section, you will find useful tips as well as a suggested timetable followed by the tasks set for today. Think about how you will organise yourself for the day - do what works best for you and your family.
You will see that I have included the feelings scale 1-5, at the start of the day, just like we do in class. It is very important to take the time and think about your feelings and share this with your adult, whatever number you are at. It is a great way to check in with yourself and make sure that you are ready for your day. Be kind to yourselves and stay positive. We know this will be tricky sometimes but we are all in this together. What matters most is that you are trying your best!
One of the things I am going to miss is greeting you every morning at the door and your lovely smiles. Thanks to technology, we can still greet each other and stay in touch - please post your good morning greeting and let me know how you are getting on in the comments section below! I would love to hear from you.
I would like to welcome Edith, a new pupil in our class . We have met her briefly in November. It is a strange way to start in a new school but we will see each other soon and we will get to know Edith in person.
We will have a zoom catch up session every Friday - it will be lovely to see each other. Details and rules will be shared soon. I am really looking forward to my telephone calls with you this week as well as seeing your work, photos of other creative and fun things you do and your messages. Please get in touch if you need any help, I will try my best to support you.
Stay safe, learn lots and have fun with your learning and your family! Thinking of you…..
Lots of love 
Mrs Chetty