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Good morning 2KC!
17 Dec 2020
Good morning 2KC!
I hope you and your families are all well. Today is the last day of term for the year 2020! What a year it has been! We did it! When I think about our time together this term, I can think of many special moments we have shared together from teaching you, comforting you and lots of fun and laughter! What did you enjoy most about your time in Year 2 this term? Was there a special moment? A favourite lesson?
Here is your very last home learning for 2020:
Maths - Christmas themed questions
PE- Cosmic Yoga Adventures and Ten minute shake up games
Reading - see web-links in the home learning tab. There are a range of stories for you to read and listen to.
Please join me in wishing Chidi a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow! Enjoy your special day with your family Chidi!
Please join me in wishing Alden good luck in his new school. We have fond memories of you Alden. Whilst we are sad you are leaving, we are also excited for the new adventures and friends you will get to know. Do keep in touch. We will miss you dearly!
I would like to share one of my favourite stories of 2020 with you. You may have read this story too! It’s one of those special stories that you can never get enough of, no matter how many times you have read it! Please click on the picture below and ask your adult to read it to you.

Wishing you a very happy Thursday! Be kind and stay safe.
Lots of love 
Mrs Chetty