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Farewell 2KC!
17 Jul 2020
Good morning 2KC!
It is the last day of school! We’ve made it! Hooray!
THANK YOU parents and children for all your hard work especially over the past few months. Home Learning has been a steep learning curve for us all but it has been made so much easier with your kindness, enthusiasm, patience and cooperation. 2KC, I have been amazed by your dedication, tenacity, resilience and creativity that you have shown as you have navigated this new and different way of learning and risen to this challenge! Your amazing work, unique personalities, brilliant minds has certainly brightened my days during lockdown and made me smile. I loved reading and marking your work, looking at your photos of how you kept busy, replying to your lovely messages and chatting to you on the phone. I am super proud of you all! As has so often been said, this has been such an unprecedented time and while we would hope never to go through this again, I hope each of you can take away many positives from this experience. Family time, learning new skills, taking up new hobbies, and enjoying lots of outside time which we wouldn’t normally get in our working days are some of the benefits we’ve enjoyed with lots of wonderful memories!

2KC and parents, it was lovely seeing all of your smiley faces yesterday , chatting to each one of you and having a laugh together. I would to like to say THANK YOU for such an amazing year! In our short time together we have worked hard, we laughed, we sang, we danced, we read, we had fun, we took risks, we explored, we created, we grew! I am so glad to have had the opportunity to get to know each of you and it certainly has been a great pleasure being your teacher and being part of your journey especially during lockdown where I got to see many of you thrive with your learning, persevere and develop your resilience. I will certainly cherish our time together. Please know that I will miss you dearly class of 2019-20! As I have said to you yesterday, I may not be your teacher anymore but I will be watching over you proudly as you enter the junior phase and progress through your journey at Handsworth. Remember to stay strong, believe in yourself, keep going, keep climbing as you venture into year 3 and out into a challenging new world. With this in mind, I am going to leave you with one of my favourite songs ‘The Climb’ – please click on the picture below.
We wish you and your family a safe, fun, healthy, happy summer break and many more precious memories.......
See you all in September!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty, Miss Mathews, Mrs Hussain & Jade