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Good morning 2KC!
08 Jul 2020

Good morning 2KC!
I hope you are all fine. Looks like we are going to have lots of rain throughout today, so you may find yourself indoors most of the time. Thank you to those of you who have sent your work in so far, it’s always a pleasure to read your work and messages. I am really looking forward to seeing your English Time Capsule project! Do have a look at our homepage, there are lots of creative activities to choose from the different sections: reading, music, PE: keeping fit, art and crafts, cooking and baking and mindfulness. We are nearly there! You are doing a great job! Keep going!
A huge THANK YOU to Anise and Jasper’s mum for putting together our wonderful 2KC class photo! Our time together certainly wouldn’t be complete without a class photo! It is lovely to see all of us together and all those beautiful smiles! This makes me so HAPPY! I am really looking forward to seeing all of you next week Thursday.
Have a safe and fun Wednesday. I miss you so much!
Lots of love,
Mrs Chetty