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Good morning 2KC!
06 Jul 2020

Good morning 2KC!
Happy Monday everyone! Can you believe there are only two weeks left until the summer holidays?! Again well done to all of you who are keeping up with your home learning. Also a big thank you to all of those who were able to send in your work and lovely photos. It is lovely to see your resilience and dedication towards your education in these challenging times. I am so proud of all of you and your parents for their continued support. Keep going, not long to go until you have a well-deserved rest.
Our home learning for this week is a weekly English Time Capsule Project and you will have your daily maths lessons. There are lots of creative activities on our homepage for you to enjoy too. Have fun with your learning and give it your best. I am looking forward to speaking to you this week. If you have Show and Tell, please upload your photos on this page.
Please send your headshot photo to Anise’s mum, if you have not done so, to create our Class of 2019-2020 photo! Thank you Nishi for your support with this.
Over the weekend, my boys and I enjoyed sharing jokes, puns and riddles. Have a go with the following maths riddles by posting your answers in the comments section below. Answers will be shared tomorrow.
- What did the triangle say to the circle?
- What are ten things you can always count on?
- Why did the quarter roll down the road with the nickel?
- Which king loved fractions?
- Why was the math book crying?
Wishing you a safe, fun and an amazing week ahead! Thinking of you…..
Lots of love,
Mrs Chetty