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Good morning 2KC!
26 Jun 2020
Good morning 2KC!
Another week is almost over! I hope you had a great week and managed to enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine! As I get ready to go to school today, I can hear the rain droplets on my window pane…. a rainy start to our day but more sunshine is expected later. Whatever the weather brings, I hope you have a lovely day!
Today’s Virtual Sports activity is: Running. Please see our website for more information. Have lots of fun and enjoy challenging yourself! Please don’t forget to email your photo or video to school.
Thank you for all the wonderful work, and photos some of you have shared with me this week. I will share this with everyone soon. I am incredibly proud of your great effort put into your home learning. You are AMAZING! Keep it up! Remember today is another great day to learn something new!
Please join me in wishing Jasmine a Very Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Enjoy your special day Jasmine. Sending you all our love.

Have a lovely weekend with your family. Stay safe, have lots of fun and keep smiling. I am really looking forward to seeing all of you soon!
Lots of love,
Mrs Chetty