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Good morning 2KC!
15 Jun 2020
Good morning 2KC!
Welcome to Week 3 of our last half term! I hope that you are all well and safe. I had a great weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather with my family and I hope you did too. I really miss all your smiling faces, hugs and teaching you. On Friday afternoon, during my walk home from school, I was absolutely delighted to see a few smiling faces: Julia, Riley and Poppy. Who knows, who I might see this week?
Please join me in wishing both, Louis and Azaan a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We wish you both a wonderful day and we send you all our love!

As in previous weeks, please see our homework section for your daily English and Maths work and weekly Spelling, Reading and topic (History) tasks and our homepage for other fun and creative activities to keep busy. For those of you who have Show and Tell, please upload your photos on this page. I am very impressed with all the work I have received – see Celebrating Our Home Learning Part 8 on our homepage. You are all doing amazingly well! Thank you so much for all your hard work with your home learning in these strange times. Remember little and often is the key! As always, I am looking forward to my telephone calls with you this week as well as seeing your work, photos and your lovely messages. Please get in touch if you need any help, I will try my best to support you.
With the easing of lockdown, some of you might have been able to meet up with some of your friends, families and even each other for playdates within a bubble, following the social distancing rules! I would love to hear about your long awaited joyful moments.
Have a fun, safe and wonderful week ahead 2KC! Thinking of you!
Lots of love,
Mrs Chetty