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Good morning 2KC!
01 Jun 2020
Good morning lovely 2KC!
Welcome back to the final part of our summer term! I hope you are all well, happy and you have had a relaxing half term break and enjoyed the glorious weather with your family.
I had a lovely break with my family as well as Rubble and Snowball. With the beautiful sunshine we’ve had, we spent most of our time outdoors in the garden. We enjoyed splish splashing in our paddling pool, having a barbecue and playing board games. We’ve also enjoyed many long walks and cycling in different forests. I've seen lots of blossom on the trees, lots of different flowers and best of all lots of ducklings, geese and swans – please see photos below. On Friday I celebrated my birthday. I had a wonderful day with my family. My family enjoyed decorating our lounge and singing happy birthday to me. I received homemade birthday cards, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a touching poem framed and written by my boys, some yummy chocolates and a YUM flowery birthday cake. My precious memories!
Thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm shown towards your home learning thus far – you have been absolutely amazing. I have really enjoyed receiving your work, photos and messages and I am looking forward to receiving more this half term. I am also looking forward to speaking to all of you on the phone – hearing your lovely voices and finding out about what you’ve been up to. This week’s home learning is our daily maths and english tasks, weekly spelling, reading and science task – please see the homework section. If you have Show and Tell, please upload your work , photos or videos on this page. Also, watch the space on our homepage for updates. If you need any help, please do get in touch with me and I will try my best to support you.
Enjoy another bright and sunny day! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead with your family. Hope to see you all soon. Sending you a massive hug!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty