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Good morning 2KC!
21 May 2020

Good morning 2KC!
I hope you are all well and happy. As the days go by, I realise how much more I miss you all!
The weather was brilliant yesterday wasn’t it? I hope you were able to have some fun in the sun! I certainly did, with my boys! Most of our afternoon was spent in our garden. We had our sand and water tray out and we enjoyed building sandcastles. Rubble also made the most of the sunshine, relaxing and sun-bathing. Also, we enjoyed playing with Rubble and our rabbit (Snowball), see photos of Snowball below, as requested by Miya. To cool off, we enjoyed eating ice lollies, followed by my boys spraying each other and Rubble with their Nerf super soakers. To end off our afternoon, we watered our plants. How did you spend your day?
If you are interested in making Dinosaur Salt Dough Fossils, please see the SCIENCE section on our homepage.
If you like some extra bits to grow, the innocent big grow have free home growing kits available now. It comes with some seeds, a compost disc, an activity booklet and some very nice innocent crayons. You can tell your parents to go to innocentbiggrow.com and sign up.
I have really enjoyed chatting to some of you yesterday and I will continue to do so with more of you today. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos and work with me. I loved reading your posters and presentations on significant people. Well done! This will be shared on our homepage at the end of this week.
Have an amazing day with your family. Thinking of you!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty