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Mindfulness & Relaxation
04 May 2020
Hi everyone,
Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious especially during times of change. Being able to recognise and cope with anxiety is a skill that will benefit children for life. Take 10 minutes at the start or end of your day, click on some of the videos, websites and calming sounds below and see which ones work for you, bringing calmness and happiness to your mind and body. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and listen to the calm music and sounds. I will continue to add more resources that I think might be helpful. Please feel free to share the things that help you to relax.
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty
Feelings Scale: 1- 5. Click on the picture below for gentle breathing

Websites to visit:
Mindfulness Meditation for kids
Positive Affirmations for Kids Self-esteem
5-a-day- Time to chill
Cosmic Kids Yoga Relaxation
Peace out guided relaxation for kids
Cloud Spotting
Calming sounds:
Under the sea
Calm music
Spa Music
Slow motion waves
Stop, Breathe and Think!
With an emphasis on fun activities and meditations, this app is designed to help kids with focus, quiet, peaceful sleep, and processing emotions. Your little one will learn mindful breathing and the importance of checking in with themselves. They will also win stickers for completing "missions." Ages 5-10; Download for free.
Sleep Meditations for kids
The perfect app to incorporate into your bedtime routine, Sleep Meditations for Kids has four bedtime stories that are transformed into guided meditations designed to promote relaxation and contentment. Download for free.
Please see below for suggested Joyful June Calendar of Activities to look after ourselves and each other.