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Good morning 2KC!
04 May 2020
Good morning 2KC,
I hope you are all well and you have had an amazing weekend with your family. Although the weather wasn’t great, I enjoyed spending time with my family. We enjoyed our walks in the forest with Rubble, making pizza, playing monopoly and watching the movie ‘Trolls World Tour’ accompanied by a huge bowl of popcorn, amongst other things like household chores. How did you spend your weekend?
Welcome to week 3 of the summer term. I hope you’ve had fun doing last week’s home learning tasks. Thank you for sharing your work and all the lovely things you have been creating and doing. I have uploaded your lovely work on our home page – do have a look at this, it is great to see you and share what you have been up to with each other. If you have Show and Tell for this week, you can upload your photos or work on this page. I am really looking forward to your messages, seeing your work and photos this week. I will also be phoning some of you, whom I didn't get to speak to - I can't wait to hear your lovely voices again. This makes me feel really happy!
This week is a short week due to Friday being a bank holiday – VE Day, so there will be no tasks set on Friday. You will have your daily maths and english tasks, weekly reading, spelling and a history project based on VE Day for the next 4 days to work on. Have a go doing what you can. Please be kind to yourself and do what works best for you and your family. If you are looking for ideas, do check our home page for fun activities and ways to stay healthy and keep fit.
Try to avoid too much screen time, you have plenty of time to curl up to a book, exercise, spend time in your garden if possible, do things with your family, play a board game, help around the house, cook with your adults, ask questions, play, learn a new skill, collect recyclable materials like egg boxes, plastic bottles and toilet rolls which would be useful for incredible craft activities or simply draw a picture of the view from your window. It is also important that we chill at the end of a long day – you can close your eyes and listen to calm music, do gentle breathing, watch calming videos like under the sea or do yoga. I will add on ideas on mindfulness and relaxation on our home page so watch this space. I am off to start my day!
I wish you all a wonderful week ahead with your family. Whatever you do, give it your best!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty