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Good morning 2KC!
30 Apr 2020

Good morning everyone!
I hope you are all fine and happy. I can’t believe this week is almost over! I have really enjoyed my telephone conversations with some of you, whom I was able to call. It was great to hear your voices, knowing that you are well and happy and finding out about all the lovely things you have been up to. I am looking forward to calling more of you today.
I have updated the PE section of our home page with a bean bag or rolled up sock challenge – have fun! It is wonderful to see some of your home learning. I am so impressed. Well done! If you are having problems uploading your work on our class webpage, then you can email your work including photos of show and tell and other fun things you want to share with me. Do watch out for more fun creative activities on our home page.
Has anyone had a go with the 30 day Lego challenge, which I have uploaded on our home page on the 1st of April? Today is the last challenge! Have fun using your imagination. If you have been challenging yourself, please let me know which was your favourite activity and I would love to see photos of your creations.
Parents, this one is for you.
Please click here to find out more about home learning strategies.
Have a happy day!
Sending you lots of love 
Mrs Chetty