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Good morning 2KC!
28 Apr 2020
Good morning 2KC!
Happy Tuesday! Sadly, the weather is not going to be so bright and sunny for all of us but remember we can still learn something new today!
Also, there’s lots of simple things you can do to help out at home like tidy your bedroom, feed your pet if you have one , help make a meal and clear the table at the end of a meal, fold laundry, make your bed and so on. By helping out at home, you will learn life skills, you become more responsible and independent, you will be following the 4Cs and it is another opportunity to bond with your family.
I hope you are enjoying the home learning that has been set. Thank you to everyone who is uploading work and photos as it is wonderful to see how you are getting on with your learning and the fun things you are doing. Remember if you need work books, pencils, a lap top or printed worksheets, please just ask by emailing me or sending me a message and I can organise this for you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you today.
Enjoy your learning, do good, be good and have lots of fun with your family!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty