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Wishing you a very HAPPY EASTER!
03 Apr 2020 - 07 Apr 2020
Dearest 2KC, Parents/Carers,
It is the last day of the Spring term and the start of our Easter holidays! This means it has been two weeks since I have seen you all. I miss you all very much. I know that this is not the normal way I would teach you and how you would learn but I know that you are all trying your best and you are doing so well. I am so proud of you all! It is bit of an unusual start to your holidays, but I know you are looking forward to it, especially all the chocolate
As it is the Easter holidays, for the next two weeks, I will not be setting any homework. You may wish to finish any homework that you may not have managed to get through yet. I have included lots of fun activities and recommended websites on our class webpage, if you wish to do them. Just remember to have lots of FUN!
Please continue sending me photos of your learning and and any fun activities you do or you could just write me a message to say hello on this webpage below. I really enjoy hearing about what you have been up to - it makes me very happy.
Parents - thank you for all your support and well done to you in supporting your child/children with their home learning in these strange circumstances. I wish you all a lovely, restful holiday. Remember to stay at home, stay safe and enjoy precious moments together!
Lots of love
Mrs Chetty