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Welcome to the Summer Term!
19 Apr 2020
Good morning Year 6,
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break; let us know what you've been up to by commenting below!
It's the beginning of the Summer Term at Handsworth and although we're not physically in school, we're looking forward to engaging with you all over the next few weeks.
Based on your feedback of the virtual learning from the last half term we have decided to host daily maths lessons on Zoom, starting today.
These sessions will last approximately 20 minutes, including time for you to type questions. There will be follow up work for you to complete independently on the website. You don’t have to attend the lessons, but it would be lovely to see you!
You will have received details of how to join the lesson (and what time your lesson begins) via email, so ask your parents and carers to check their messages from the school.
Remember, it’s a good idea to structure your day. It’s great that lots of you are developing other skills such as baking, making, building and exercising, but remember that your brain is like a muscle – you need to exercise it to help it grow and get stronger.
We recommend the following daily tasks:
- Maths – join the lesson, interact with your teachers and classmates via Zoom and then complete the independent activity.
- English – we’re starting a new book: Skellig. We will take it in turns to read the different chapters for you to listen to before completing the daily task.
- Comprehension: complete at least one readtheory.org task each day.
- Read your book for an hour.
- Spellings: revise for ten minutes.
- Languages: spend half an hour on duolingo.com learning your language of choice.
- Projects: spend at least an hour on your Science, Topic and Art projects (see Projects for your options).
Please note that the projects are due in on Friday 1st May.
We will set new projects on Monday 4th May.
Remember to take regular breaks, exercise and be kind to your family!
We’re looking forward to seeing you in our Zoom lessons!
Mrs Glanvill and Mr Mussell