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Welcome virtual learners!
20 Mar 2020
Hello 6JG!
I’m really sad not to be able to see you all this Monday morning, but this doesn’t mean I’m not here for you. Ask me questions; tell me jokes; share your news with me.
We can still communicate and I am still your teacher so if you need any help, message me in the comments below!
From Monday 23rd March, the expectation is that you complete the following each day:
- Maths task (which I will upload daily – go to the homework tab to find this)
- English task (which I will also upload daily – again, from the homework tab)
- Comprehension: go on to readtheory.org and complete at least one test
- Read your book for half an hour
- Spellings: revise for ten minutes
- Languages: spend half an hour on duolingo.com learning a language
- Projects: spend at least an hour on your Science, Topic and Art projects (see Projects for your options).
All of this activity is to keep your brain active. But remember, you need to look after yourselves.
Take regular breaks: remember our class breathing activities – close your eyes and spend a few minutes relaxing. Phone a relative or a friend for a conversation: Ask how they are, what they have been doing and how they are coping.
Stay well.
Mrs Glanvill