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Happy Bank Holiday Weekend!
07 May 2020
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all well and I hope you are looking forward to the bank holiday weekend! Make sure you rest, spend time with you families and have lots of fun! There will be no work set tomorrow so make the most of it!
It was lovely to see some of you on Zoom today. I really enjoyed talking to you all and looking at all the wonderful things you shared. I'm sorry about the technical issues in the beginning but we eventually got there! Thank you for joining and being patient with the issues. If you would like me to arrange another meeting then let me know in the comments below. I think I might try the next one in groups so it's not as long as it was today. What do you think?
I am really missing you all, more after seeing some of you today. I am looking forward to the time we can all be together again. Don't forget I am here to support you all. Even if that means having a chat on the phone or help with homework. Please send me an email if you would like to talk about something (adults too) and we can arrange a time for me to give you a call. This is a difficult and strange time for everyone and we have to support each other to get through it.You're all doing great and hopefully it's not long now. Keep up the great work, stay in contact and keep smiling! Make the msot of being with your families and being in your home. It might be difficult but remember we are still far more lucky than others! Thinking of you all and I hope to speak to you soon.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Lots of love and hugs,
Miss Nadeem.