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Save the date! FoH Annual General Meeting

19 Jul 2017

Save the date!  

FoH Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday, 12th September 2017.  All parents and carers are welcome and encouraged to attend.  The meeting will be held just after drop-off.  

There are 460 students in the school and currently, all FoH planning is run by approximately 8 to 10 core volunteers with others helping on event days as needed. FoH desperately need your help!  We are a friendly and welcoming group and open to new ideas, voices and faces. Please come and find out how even the smallest commitement can make a big difference.

Unfortunately, our chair, Katherine Bromley, has resigned after several years of dedication to FoH.  We are thankful for all that she has done and will continue to do to support FoH efforts.   If you would like to chair the group, please do consider it.  All new members are very welcome and all ideas are openly encouraged. 

We also need people with skills in design, communication and PR, marketing, event planning, fund raising, printing, juggling, acrobatics and any other skill or talent that you can offer (ok, maybe not acrobatics and juggling, but they would make our casual coffee morning catch ups more interesting).

So, please save the date of our AGM.  We hope to see you there. We will meet just after drop off that morning.  Specific details will be posted around the school in September.

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