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Welcome back from Friends of Handsworth

01 Oct 2021

Dear all,
On behalf of Friends of Handsworth, a very warm welcome back to all our Handsworth Primary
School families and a huge welcome to the parents and carers of our brand-new Reception classes, Ms. Halsey and Ms. O'Connor. We hope you all had a great summer holiday and are looking forward to a happy and healthy new school year – hopefully one less challenging than the last.
For those just joining the school, we wanted to let you know a little more about Friends of Handsworth. And for those already familiar, here’s a reminder! At the end of the email, we’ve also included some important dates for your diaries.
Our upcoming AGM
Our Annual General Meeting is held at the beginning of the autumn term and is an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about events run and funds raised, as well as how the money has been spent. It is also the occasion when we elect our new Committee.
This year’s AGM will take place via Zoom:
9am, Friday 8th October
To join the AGM, contact Max for log in details:
About Friends of Handsworth
We're a small, friendly bunch comprising parents, carers, and staff, all with busy lives but with one main aim: to raise money to enrich our children's time at school. This is how we do it…
  1. Talk to each other: sometimes meeting face-to-face, or via our WhatsApp group.
  2. Organise events, including pamper evenings, discos, summer fetes, quiz nights, comedy nights, Christmas fayres, cake sales and book events, to name a few.
On top of this, we have forged some great friendships, had loads of fun and enjoyed the satisfaction of watching everyone having a great time whilst raising money to support our children’s education.
However, there are only a few of us - we all work, we all have families and little spare time. So, it's not always easy to get everything done and it would be great if our band of helpers was bigger.
Can you help?
The good news is, you're already part of our school community so you're halfway there! We need...
  • New members with fresh ideas, willing to help organise our events
  • Volunteers at those events to help run stalls and games, set up and clear away
  • Connections! Do you know anyone in a business who might be able to support our events in some way? Donations, tickets, match funds?
  • Can you bake? Food always features in our events!
To get in touch, visit our Friends of Handsworth Facebook page, email the school office or ask via your class WhatsApp group - there is a Friends of Handsworth representative for each class who informs everyone about our events.
If you're not able to help with any of that, the best way of supporting our fundraising is to attend our events, check if your employer supports MATCHING FUND SCHEMES, use EASYFUNDRASING or Amazon Smile when shopping online or just donate via our events website at www.pta-events/friendsofhandsworth/
Dates for your diary
We have lots coming up in the last few months of 2021 – take a look and we hope to see you at one of all of our events very soon!
  • AGM 2021: Friday 8th October via Zoom from 9am
  • Children’s Christmas cards: End October or beginning of November
  • Comedy night: Saturday 6th November from 6:30pm
  • Christmas fayre: Saturday 27th November 11am to 4pm
  • Christmas quiz: 10th December from 7:30pm
  • Santa’s grotto: Wednesday 15th December
We promise food, fun and friendship so you are all welcome!
We hope to see you soon 
Friends of Handsworth
Thank you,
Max Ferreira

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