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Messages from Miss Grant and Mrs Grant For 1AG/JL
18 Jul 2020

Dear Parents and Children,
Wow! What a strange year we have had! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you all in class. Watching you progress throughout lockdown has shown what superstarts you are. A big thank you to all your grown-ups for their support. I bet you felt like you were back at school!
One of my favourite memories of us all together was celebrating World Book Day. The outfits were brilliantand we had so much fun, Do you remember I came as a cat? I will be having some relaxing catnaps during the summer holidays. What are your plans for the summer? I look forward to hearing all your news in September
Love from Miss Grant
A message from Mrs Grant.
I had a great time working with Bubble A, Mrs Buckley and Miss Grant. I think you have all learnt what Mrs and Miss means! My favourite time was making the clay hedgehogs. I am off to support Year 3 in September but will no doubt see you around the school. Stay safe, we both wish you a lovely summer. Have fun and enjoy time with your loved ones. Sending you all hugs!!
Love from Mrs Grant