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Good Morning 4BD
14 Jun 2020
Good morning 4BD!
I hope you all had a great weekend and managed to sleep, play, relax and have some great family time :)
It was nice that the weather decided to change and we were all able to to see the sun - even if only for a short while. I spent a lot of my weekend lounging in my garden soaking up as much of the vitamin D as I could with a gripping novel.
Keep any eye out for our new class novel starting on Wednesday! I will be uploading a new chapter each day like I did with the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane :)
You are all working so hard and it is so pleasing to see how much progress you are all making during the home learning. Please continue to send in your work and let me know how you are going - both with the learning and what you are getting up to in the comment and homework sections. I really enjoy hearing about how you are and what you are doing :)
I am missing you all soooooo much, it still feels so strange not seeing your wonderful smiley faces everyday. I hope to see you all very soon!
Watch this space for more weekly updates and messages.
Have a wonderful day!
Mr Dawes