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Year 1CG/JL Homework Project
Mrs. Giacuzzo - 12 Jan 2016
I'm sorry - this did not come up on the link in the previous post, therefore, I have posted it again.
Dear parent/ carers,
In Year 1 over the next couple of weeks we will be learning about an African story which is linked to our Take One Picture Art work. All this work will be on display on Friday 22
nd January in the school halls.
As part of a homework project, we would like the children to choose an African story that they enjoy reading or listening to and represent it in any form to share with the class.
Here are some ideas. They could - make a poster of the story, re write the story, make puppets, act out the story, write a book review, use junk materials to make a story scene, use ICT to make a Power Point or re-tell the story, compose a song or some music to accompany the story.
We are sure you will have many more great ideas and we look forward to seeing their great work.
The children should return this project by Wednesday 20
th January.
Many thanks,
Year 1 Team.