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Science - Materials
27 Jan 2015
In Science we've been learning about materials.
We had a look at the houses the 3 little pigs built.
We had to predict which one of the materials (straw, lolly sticks or lego bricks) will be the strongest to build a house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
We predicted that the lego bricks will be the strongest material to use.
In groups we built the different houses.
Our group used straw to build a house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.

Horrible hairdryer blew our house off the table. We don't think Traction man will like a straw house.
We also used straw to build our house. We were very excited about this.
Horrible Hairdryer blew the roof off our house. We don't think straw is a very strong material to build a house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
Our group worked well together to build our lolly stick house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
Unfortunately Horrible Hairdryer blew our house off the table. We would therefore not recommend this kind of material for a strong house.
We also used lolly sticks to build our house.
Horrible Hairdryer blew our house off the table. We won't recommend this material for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush's house.
We were very keen to start building our lego brick house.
Horrible Hairdryer did not blow our house down... so it is safe to build a brick house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
We enjoyed putting all the blocks together to build a house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
Horrible Hairdryer couldn't blow our house down.... so it is a safe and strong material to build a house for Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush.
Our prediction that the lego bricks will be the strongest material to use was correct.
Can you see where the wolf is hiding?