Year 6 Residential

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Year 6 Residential - Day 1

14 Jul 2021

Hello everyone!

We made it to sunny Upminster for the first day of the Residential. It has been absolutely non-stop! We have done all sorts of exciting activities from the Leap of Faith to Laser Combat! 

It has been amazing to see so many of the children push themselves to try new things or go further with an activity even if they might feel unsure or a little scared. Parents and carers, you should all be very proud! 

Please keep checking Twitter for pictures of what we are up to. If you don't have a Twitter account you can see the school Twitter feed on the right-hand side of the home page underneath the school diary. 

Please leave any messages from home in the comment section as we would love to read them to children after breakfast. Remember we love a fun pet name! 

Tomorrow we are looking forward to doing some of the water-based activities!
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14 Jul 2021 20:40
Have fun Adam and a great day tomorrow. We look forward to hearing all about it. Love Mummy, Daddy, Layla & Tiggy
14 Jul 2021 20:44
DT, we hope you are having the best time, the pics on Twitter look fabulous. Thelma and Duncan miss you too. Love you loads and can’t wait to see you on Friday x x x
14 Jul 2021 20:45
I miss u and ur moodiness ki!!!love u so much bub xxxx
14 Jul 2021 20:47
Nathaniel M - Looks like you are having a wonderful time... Daddy and the girls are enjoying your xbox! But Mummy misses her cuddles!
14 Jul 2021 20:48
Aimee, Looks like you’re having fun. And a bit of a good shot with the target shooting. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday so you can tell us all about it. Love Mum, Dad & George xx
14 Jul 2021 20:50
Hi Leila, we are missing you, especially Dame Shirley and Liberace your favourite cats. They are missing their evening cuddle. Hope you’re having fun and having a go at everything. Lots of love Mum and Dad xx
14 Jul 2021 20:50
Hope you are having a great time Emily, we miss you and are eating your yummy brownies (we will save you some for Friday), lots of love mum, dad, James and Eddie 🐈‍⬛ xxxxx
14 Jul 2021 20:54
Henry, Hope you are having a fun time, trying lots of new activities with your friends! The photos look fab. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy, James and George ps George says he misses you, James is enjoying having the back room to himself, and the house is very quiet, see you soon xx
14 Jul 2021 20:55
Hi Georgie, the photos look fab. Looks like you’re having a brilliant time. Hope tomorrow is even more fun. Try and get some sleep. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! Love from us all xxxxx
14 Jul 2021 20:58
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 22:30
Salam Aloo! Glad to see you’re having a great time with your buddies and getting stuck in to the activities with your heartwarming smile. The house is super quiet. Expecting you to walk in and tell me a story… Btw, have an extra super blast out there on behalf of Shayla’s missed residential last year! You’re blessed to have this opportunity of being amongst your Handsworth family of friends and teachers. Love you lots. Ma, Baba, Nadeem, Shayla & Kareem x
14 Jul 2021 20:58
Archie sweetie, I am so proud of you for taking this leap of faith. I love you so much, have the best time and I miss you already. Xx
14 Jul 2021 21:00
Hi George great to see all the pics today, hope you're having a great time. Miss you, daddy
14 Jul 2021 21:01
Hi Miss T, seems like you’re having a blast in the pics, can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back 😃, don’t worry I’ve closed you’re room door so that it won’t be raided by your brothers 😉, love you loads mum, dad and the 3 T’s 😘
14 Jul 2021 21:01
Hi Matthew. We loved the photos of you doing the activities. Hope you're having a great time. We're missing you and the house is very quiet 😂. We're looking forward to seeing what you get up to tomorrow! Love you lots from Mummy, Daddy, Emma and Patch xx
14 Jul 2021 21:02
Sweet dreams you awesome crew of crazy kids.... Mwah x
14 Jul 2021 21:03
Hey Saffron 🐻 Looks like you're having a fab time. Were you able to unpack your things without your case bursting? Good luck when it comes to repacking! Make the most of the good weather. Turns out you didn't need the gloves and bobble hat after all. We love you and it's great to see you happy with all your friends. Have fun! Daddy 🐻 Mummy Amelie and Lottie Poppy 🐾
14 Jul 2021 21:03
Hi Jessica, hope you're having a fun time. The activities look good but we haven't seen you in any photos yet! We are missing your sunny smile! Sending you love and a big hug from Mummy, Daddy and Audrey XXX
14 Jul 2021 21:05
Hi Izzy Wizzy, it's very quiet without you, miss you loads, can't wait to see some pic's of you in action, love Mum, Dad, Sarah and Luke xxx
14 Jul 2021 21:09
Hope you've had a great first day Krystal. It looks like you're all having so much fun. We're missing you loads and Luna and Lily are missing their cuddles and treats. Can’t wait to see more pics tomorrow – Love Mum, Dad, Aedan, Lily, Luna, Trex and Smudge xxx
14 Jul 2021 21:10
Hi Jamie, the house is very quiet without you! Looks like you are having lots of fun. Can’t wait to hear all about it when you are back. Have a great day today. Miss you, love you lots Mummy, Daddy, Holly and Tommy xxxx
14 Jul 2021 21:14
Dear Safiya (bunda!) Love you lots and lots. The house is so quiet without you. And Sprinkles misses you too. Hope you have an amazing time. See you Friday Mum xxx
14 Jul 2021 21:15
Hi Isabelou (bufanda) the photos look amazing, it's only been a day we miss you so much, btw how come you're the only one without a hoodie, hope you have a great evening and the sleeping bag isn't too uncomfortable, I know how you love your bed❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
14 Jul 2021 21:16
Hellloooo Ryan xxxx Miss u lots already but just enjoy yourself, u sooo deserve it!! Have a fab time love from mummy, josh n Aimee xxxxx
14 Jul 2021 21:17
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 21:20
Hi Kayla, hope you’re having a great time. We miss you very much and can’t wait to see you on Friday. Love you lots. Mummy, Daddy and Kelsey xxx
14 Jul 2021 21:18
Mayah! Hope you are having a wonderful time. We miss you very much - the house seems so much quieter. Who knew? Keep laughing, have fun and stay safe. Love you very much - Naail, Sahma, Amma, Aba
14 Jul 2021 21:19
Hey Mathilde, hope you’ve had a great 1st day. Enjoy your stay ! Maman and I can’t wait to hear all about it once you are back. Lots of love from us ❤️ Maman & Papa
14 Jul 2021 21:19
Hi Cliodhna! Looks like you are having an incredible time so far!! We are missing you loads but are consoled by the idea of you having the best time ever! I can't wait to see the pics from tomorrow! Try to get some zzzzs at some point! Love lots from Mom, Dad, Frank and Tabs xxxx😸
14 Jul 2021 21:23
Hi Soph, we are beyond proud of you! Throw yourself into everything (and one photo would be nice!) lol. We all miss you (especially Oily Fish). Have a nice relaxing breakfast while I shout at her to put her shoes on! We all love you and can’t wait for a cuddle. Dooka dooka doosh xxx
14 Jul 2021 21:33
Hi Rahelas mum said she loves her loads and they miss her loads. Shes finding it difficult to send a message..we hope this reaches her xx
14 Jul 2021 21:40
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 21:41
Hi Trejon mum I miss him already and happy his enjoying himself. Keep pushing through everyone very proud. Xx
14 Jul 2021 21:41
Romeo (Rata) Enjoy every minute, you deserve this. Your brother Lorenzo is missing your conversation in the bunk bed. We can't wait to see you Friday. Daddy sends you a message "don't forget to brush your teeth". Love you Papaya!
14 Jul 2021 21:51
Hi cj (christopher)hope you are enjoying your time at residential. Hopefully you have settled in and made your bed!(never have never done that before). Don't let your fear of heights get in your way of the activities. PLEASE get into some photos (that would be nice) and have fun with your friends and make memories.Cant wait to see u on Friday! Lots of love from the best sister in the whole entire universe, Emma xx PS Make sure the teachers are on their best behaviour :)
14 Jul 2021 21:54
Aryeshah, we are missing you. Hope you have a wonderful time. Have fun and see you on Friday. Lots of love from mummy, daddy, Ahmed and Ali. ❤️
14 Jul 2021 21:55
Hey Zain, hope you have had a wonderful first day. Love seeing you in the pictures, looking forward to see what you get upto for tomorrow activities. We all miss you, love mum (Amma), dad (Aboo) and Ismaeel. P.S Don't worry about Skittles, we are taking very good care of him, goodnight my Lovely. X
14 Jul 2021 22:00
Holly (Wally) we are all missing to so much, looks like your having an amazing time. George is making babbling noises on your behalf so house is not any quieter. Keep smiling. Love you to infinity and beyond (and dribble from George) love mum, dad, James, Luke, lily and Georgie xxxxxxx
14 Jul 2021 22:07
Morning Maxi, Hope you slept ok in those giant tents. It looks like serious fun over there. Loving all the photos. Have a great day and ... brush your teeth! From your Mom, Dad, Stan, Spark, Luna, Shadow, Teddy, Cahoona Kitty and Lil' Zee.
14 Jul 2021 22:13
Morning Edith Pickle. How’s that fear of heights working out for you?! It looks like you’re all having an amazing time. Have lots of fun in the water today. Hope you get soaked. We all miss you and can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Lots of love, Mum, Dad, Joe and Luna xxxwoof
14 Jul 2021 22:16
Hi Joshua, we are missing you so much but we know you are having lots of fun. We saw the photo of you abseiling. Wow! Well done! We are proud of you. Enjoy the next couple of days and we can’t wait to hear all about it on Friday. Love from Mummy, Daddy and Lissy xx Ps. Daddy lost 500 trophies on your brawl stars account...only kidding! (It was 600) Hi Josh, hope you are having a great time. I will check your brawl stars :) From Liss
14 Jul 2021 22:30
Hi Inaya, looks like you're having a really good time. Have a great time over the next few days, we look forward to seeing some more pics of you smiling and enjoying yourself. Miss you loads, love Dad, Mum, Kayin & Keon
14 Jul 2021 22:41
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 22:41
Hello joel it’s mum I’m missing you already, how was your first day without me, make sure you fun your siblings say hello and dad says have a great time. Miss you joel. Love from mum❤️❤️
14 Jul 2021 22:46
Hi Monkey (George-from dad). So proud dude. Sarah was asking for Aari. She misses you. Have a blast! Love and miss you muchness x from us all.
14 Jul 2021 22:59
Hi Qais..we’re all missing you lots..Great photos and good to see you’re having a super cool time 😎 enjoy and have fun and dad says he won’t watch Lokhi until you’re back… ❤️👏
14 Jul 2021 23:22
Coucou ma grande (Mathilde) ! You seem to be having so much fun, great (scary 😱) activities and beautiful weather so profite bien ! Clara misses you so much she couldn’t fall asleep tonight so she ended up in your bed to be near you. Kevin said Tom missed you lots but business as usual for Theo. Everything is so quiet here, we are missing our sunshiny chatterbox. Profite bien ! Je t’aime fort fort fort 💕 et te fais de gros gros gros bisous. Maman und kusse von Papa, kisses from Clara et Theo
14 Jul 2021 23:38
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 23:39
Bubba Grace! Me, Alfie and Eric miss you so much! It looks so much fun where you are! I hope you’re having the best time, enjoy every moment and make amazing memories…:.I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!! I love you so so much and miss your beautiful face ❤️❤️❤️
14 Jul 2021 23:58
Last edited on 15 Jul 2021 - 00:09
Olá codé It seems like you are having a great time. Im happy for you.Make most of it because when you return I will not allow you to leave me for 1 minute. The house is so empty and very quiet without you. We miss you, I miss your hugs and you singing, dancing and making noises(a lot). I never thought I would miss that😜😍). Enjoy sweetie. We love you❤❤❤❤ Deus te abençoe. Beijinhos.Tua família
14 Jul 2021 23:58
Last edited on 14 Jul 2021 - 23:59
Morning, Sethy. Hope you got some zzzzzz’s last night so you’re set for more fun today. Looks like you’re all having a great time but it’s a bit too quiet here without you. Theo doesn’t ask anywhere near as many questions! Vashka’s been stalking around at bedtime tonight all quite confused. Missing you loads ❤️❤️ Mum, Dad, Theo and Vashka ❤️❤️
15 Jul 2021 01:07
Hi Milesy darling, great to see that you're having a nice time! I hope you didn't have to have a bucket of water thrown on you to wake you up! :) We miss you and look forward to seeing you on Friday. Have lots of fun on day 2. Mummy, Daddy, and Omari xx
15 Jul 2021 05:33
Last edited on 15 Jul 2021 - 05:35
Hi Yakub. It looks like you are having loads of fun and all the important people from Handsworth are around you!!! 👍 What an incredible experience!!🌳🤸‍♀️ 🥇 🧗 ⛺️ We miss you, our garden seems to be a bit empty with no one playing volleyball. More than anything else - we are so happy seeing you and your friends having the best time ever!!! Enjoy, make memories, come back in one piece! P.S.Can you get into some photos,📸 so we can see you on Twitter? 🙃 Love, mama & baba & Irem ☀️🌈
15 Jul 2021 08:15
Rise and shine Archie, have a lovely day and try new things. We love you x
15 Jul 2021 10:25
Good morning Jessica. A lovely photo of you at last! Hope you're wearing sun cream, love from Mummy xxxx
15 Jul 2021 14:33
Hi Teddie, it looks like your having a great time. Enjoy the rest of your stay and we will see you soon. Love Mum, Sharon and Dave xxx
15 Jul 2021 21:04
Hi Isabelou, looks like you're having an amazing experience, enjoy your last day and can't wait to hear all about your trip, the house is so quiet without you ❤
16 Jul 2021 07:02
Good morning Jessica! enjoy your last day at Stubbers, we can't wait to see you later. Love and hugs from Mummy, Daddy and Audrey xxx

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