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Stubbers 2023 Day 1

22 May 2023

Hello everyone! 

We have had an excellent first day of Residential. The children have taken part in lots of fun and exciting activities and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Please check out the pictures on Twitter to see what we have been up to. 

Please leave a message below for your child that we can read out tomorrow morning!
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22 May 2023 19:41
Hope you had a great birthday yesterday Zach! It looked like it was action packed and you got lots of sunshine too. Missed you loads tonight, the house is VERY quiet without you :-( We didn't forget to record your favourite tv show, In the Night Garden, so you will be able to catch up when you get home! ;-) Love you hoochy poops, Mum xx
22 May 2023 19:42
We are loving all the photos of year 6 enjoying the well earned break. Have a wonderful time Franco. Look forward to hearing all about residential when we see you on Wednesday. xxx
Roberta’s Mum
22 May 2023 19:44
Dear Lovely Roberta (Squirty) Hope you’ve had a slay day getting wet and flying off high walls. Looking at pics of you and feeling super proud. Sparkle sends a giant lick of admiration. Hope your tent is nice. I bet you will be up till dawn ha ha sorry Miss Nadeem 😝 Love you super girl mum, dad and Tommy xxxxxxx
22 May 2023 19:46
Hey Chris, it looks like you have lots of fun with your friends! Enjoy the residential and make sure you don't scare any animals, they are not used to such a noisy crowd ! 💞
Amelia-Mays Mum
22 May 2023 19:51
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 19:53
🎶Mooch the tooch the toochy mooch , we love you Millie Moo 🐮 🎶 (Amelia-May) Morning Moo Moo, hope your having a wonderful time with all your friends miss and love you lots from mummy moo, Flangy, Grandad and Daddy xxxxxx
Anna - Evangeline’s mummy
22 May 2023 19:52
Hi Evangeline aka pumpkin, hope you’re having a wonderful time!!! We all miss you & love you lots!!! Try & get some sleep tonight zzzzz…. Good luck brushing your hair in the morning, there’s so much of it!!! Love you lots, mummy, daddy, bro bro, Retty, Rocky, Grandma, Auntie & Zizi xxxxxx
22 May 2023 19:53
Hi James, hope you are having a great time and are sleeping well in your sleeping bag! We miss you lots and are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Enjoy your activities, lots of love, Mum, Dad, Emily and a big meow and purr from Eddie xxxx
22 May 2023 19:55
Hey liyana hope your ok, looks like you all had a fun filled day today. Eiliyah is already missing you!
George H Mum
22 May 2023 19:59
Hello Georgie Hope that you and all your friends are having the best time. I saw you throwing that axe - don't ask for a target in the garden - ha ha. Winter and Blaze are missing you and sitting on your bed. Have so much fun and make lots of memories. Love you LOADS (sorry mate to embarrass you!) mum, dad, aggy Jenson, Ivy Pie, Winter & Blaze P.S nanny and grandad say have an amazing time Georgie x
Amelia’s Family
22 May 2023 20:01
Dear Millie, hope you are having a fabulous time. We”ve seen the pics, how far up the wall did you get?! We are all missing you loads. Louis definitely knows you’re away. I’m sure he’ll give you a massive meeeeoooow when you see him. Keep having fun! Love you loads. Daddy, Mummy, Aaron and Louis. Xxx
Naveen Kanji
22 May 2023 20:03
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 22:01
Hi Maya, We can’t believe someone let you loose with a gun but we are enjoying seeing your huge smile in your pictures, it looks like you are having a fantastic time! We all miss you and the cat is asleep on your bed. Hope you get a good night’s sleep so you are ready for lots more great stuff tommorrow . Lara and Tabi both say we miss you and we hope you are having fun . We love you loads Daddy, Mummy, Tabi, Lara, Ramona 🐈 and Opal 🐁 xxxxxx
Arans Mum
22 May 2023 20:03
Hi Aran, Looks like you’ve had an amazing day! The house is so quiet without you and even Kirin said he’s missing you!! Enjoy your day. Miss you loads, Mum xx
22 May 2023 20:09
Good morning for Lily hope u had a goodnight sleep hope u had a great day today saw pictures of u u look like ur having fun lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
22 May 2023 20:09
Hello Maximus Aurelius (Max)! Looks like you had a fantastic and action packed first day. Hope you managed to stay on top of the water in the canoeing?! We miss you loads. Mum & Dad xxx❤️❤️❤️
Louise Gabriella’s mum
22 May 2023 20:10
Hiiiii gabssss you look like you are having an amazing time , you have done so much already , you must be enjoying yourself so much with all your friends making loads of amazing memories, we miss you and love you loads , coco Chanel is missing you too , enjoy every moment big hugs and kisses mum , dad , grace , Giovanni , Georgia and not forgetting your beloved coco Chanel x x x
22 May 2023 20:12
Eliza G, looks like you're having a fantastic time. The activities look amazing. We didn't miss your snoring last night, hope it didn't keep your friends awake. Have a brilliant day today, we can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Lots of love and snuggles and huggles from mum, dad, oski and fliss xxx
22 May 2023 20:19
Last edited on 23 May 2023 - 07:05
Dear Liv we are loving seeing you having such exciting adventures. The photos are awesome! We're very proud of you and love you so much. Massive hugs Mummy,Daddy, Hugo, Tommy and Suki xxxxx Dear Liv how was yesterday? Did you have fun and good food? We are missing your cuddles so we're cuddling Cuddles. Te amo mais Tommy and Hugo xoxo 😊🤗⛺🐕😊🤗
Serap (Masal’s mum)
22 May 2023 20:21
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 20:28
Hi Masal! Hope you had a good first day at Stubbers, the house is very quiet without you, we miss you terribly. Love you, sweetie 💜Mum, Dad and Hayal Xxx (Dad told me your tablet password 😜 Hayal)
Jackie the Hamster
22 May 2023 20:23
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 20:24
(to be read in a Scottish accent) Hello Serena, thanks so much for my treats this morning. I've gobbled them up and currently running around in my ball. You look like you're having a brilliant time without me! I have seen you've been climbing walls a bit like me. Looking forward to cuddles with you on Wednesday. Lots of love Jackie the Hamster 🐹
Zoeys Mum
22 May 2023 20:25
Morning Zobi-Wan Kenobi Hope you stopped talking long enough to get some sleep last night. Well done for escaping every photo so I have no idea what you have done 😆Have the best time ever, we love you and couldn’t be prouder! Love Momma, Dada and Sophie p.s it’s very quiet xxx
Mary (Kians mum)
22 May 2023 20:30
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 20:35
Morning Ki Ki!! only been a night but we're missing you so much!.Specially your sister Niamh!Dad said can you ask Ms Nadeem if they can extend your stay 😂know you'll be having an amazing time and definitely having a good go at every activity, can't wait to hear which was your favourite.Have you been putting your special torch hat to good use?hope it wasn't on late into the night lol! Sending the biggest hugs counting down to Wednesday, lots of love Mum Dad & Nab chipstar (& grey cat)X
22 May 2023 20:31
Dear Serena, It looks like you're having a brilliant time! Glad you got your Chichi and Mazel to keep you company last night and hope you didn't keep everyone awake with your talking in your sleep. We miss you loads and we haven't watched any Brooklyn 99 yet! Love Dad and mummy Karen xx
22 May 2023 20:32
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 20:32
Hello Kavi Bear!!! Looks like you are having an amazing time. We love seeing photos of you and your friends on new adventures and making sweet memories! Love and miss you lots from Mummy, Papa, Snowman and Chonk!! Makka Makka xxxxx
22 May 2023 20:39
Morning Harry. Hope you managed to get some sleep last night. Looks like you and your friends had a great day full of fun activities. The house is very quiet without you here. Missing you lots. Love you from mum and dad xxx Miss you H, I sold your whole fifa team by mistake (only joking)- love you from Callum xx
Faustie (Jeremiah’s mum)
22 May 2023 20:44
Jay my pudding pop! I’m so happy for you, you look like you’re having an amazing time! All the activities look soo fun, shall I come and join you? Only joking :) Josh has jelly belly and really misses you, he has no one to fight with now! All your grandparents have been asking for pictures and keep asking how you are! Remember what we told you and make sure you enjoy yourself! We love you lots and lots ,mum ,dad and Josh xXx
Adrian Judson (James Dad)
22 May 2023 20:50
Dear James, We are all missing you at home. It seems very quiet without you being around. It was strange this evening going to football training without you & Henry had to help me with the football kit & balls!!! The photos look great and you seem to having a wonderful time with your friends. Love Mummy, Daddy, Henry, George, Coco, Pixie and Arial xxx
Natalie (taylas cousin )
22 May 2023 20:52
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 20:53
Hey tayla (wayla) me and toenail r so happy to see u happy and enjoying urself with all ur friends we miss u loads already its so quite without u here lol pls make sure u takes lots of pics so we can share ur fun filled experience with u as it looks so fun we are jealous lol we love u wayla have lots of fun and we will see u very soon❤ P.s nan and grandad and uncle John said they all miss u lots to and hope u have a fun holiday and they all love u very much ❤ CLASS OF 2023 ❤
Zelals mum-derya
22 May 2023 21:00
Hi Zelal, I have been checking the pictures on twitter and it looks like there is a great vibe there. We have already missed you though. ❤️. Loads of love and hugs from mumy, daddy, narin and the one with smallest feet beran. Take care and enjoy! 😘
Azra - Lyla’s mum
22 May 2023 21:01
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 21:01
Lyla Moo, looks like you’re all having a fabulous time. We’ve been looking out for you in the photos, think we caught the top of your head and right eyebrow in one! 😂 Hope you managed a few winks and didn’t keep the teachers up all night! We miss you (especially Amaya). Loads of love mummy, Amaya, daddy and Timmy D!! ❤️🐹🌈
Nyrans mum
22 May 2023 21:06
Looks like you are all having an amazing time . What an experience .can't wait for you to get home Nyran and tell me everything you've been up to ♥️ love you lots x
Mrs Khue Luu (April’s Mum)
22 May 2023 21:11
Hey April, did you complete your climbing route at Stubbers? Was it more difficult or easier than the one we tried in Bangkok? Your phone is on now, but since there is no endless chatting between you and your friends, we are having a quiet night at home... Oh no, maybe I'll text to your phone to make such notification sounds ha ha ha. Miss you, and miss the way you tried to make excuses for staying up late every night. Love from mom, dad, and grandparents
Lissy’s family
22 May 2023 21:14
Morning Lissy! Hope you managed to get some sleep last night. It looks like you all had an amazing time yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your trip and can’t wait to see you on Wednesday. Is that photo of you with your hair up!!?? Miss you. Love Mum, Dad and Josh Dear Lettuce girl, we miss you and have no idea where you have gone. Please come back soon so we can get fed on time. Love Simba and Nala
Katherine James J mum
22 May 2023 21:20
Dear James, Looks like you are having lots of fun with your friends, some great pictures. Sending lots of love from Oslo, Norway, the house must be quiet without both of us Love Mum xxxxx ps hope you are wearing sun cream the weather looks sunny 🌞
Lisa Lewis
22 May 2023 21:30
Hello darling George, it looks like you are having the time of your life, so many fun memories you are making! How was the canoeing? I bet that you were the first to 'fall' in...The house is so quiet without you...the cat is lost without you terrorising him. We miss you and love you so much and we can't wait to hear about all your adventures when you get home. All our love Mummy, Daddy, Rosie, Annie and Marvin x x x x x
22 May 2023 21:43
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 21:44
Morning Kamari, hope you have had a good night sleep ready for another fun packed day. We miss you so much already and you have only been gone for one night, so happy and proud to see all of the pictures of you trying out new activities on your adventure. We can’t wait to see you on Wednesday and hear all about it, until then we will keep checking the pictures and you have fun, lots of love, hugs and kisses Mum, Dad and your baby brother and sister xx
Ava smith
22 May 2023 21:48
Hi Ava we have loved looking through the photos of you all having lots of fun and making amazing memories. You look like you have settled in well and enjoying the activities . The cats are enjoying the space in your room tonight. Missing you so much all our love Mum,Dad,Lewis and the cats! Xx
Mrs Nairne
22 May 2023 21:49
Year 6! It looks like you are having the most amazing time. I love all the pictures on twitter of you enjoying the activities. Make the most of every minute, you are making very special memories. We are so proud of you all. Thank you to all your teachers for looking after you all. Make sure you wash and clean your teeth every day! Look after each other and have lots of fun. Love from Mrs Nairne x
RJ’s mum
22 May 2023 22:11
Last edited on 22 May 2023 - 22:11
Message from RJ’s mum - Ohh it looks like so much fun, I saw you climbing RJ, well done son. A big happy birthday to Zack for yesterday, hope you all had a lovely evening, we miss you son, enjoy the rest of your time, love you, see you x
22 May 2023 22:33
G'morning Belbo Bagginses! Looks like you are having a great adventure! Hurrah! It is a bit weird not having you wake us up at 6am. We hope you got enough rest for all the joy that today will bring. Missing you & love you oodles & oodles. I think we will have Ethan come up with some wonderfully bonkers Elliot-like questions to urgently ask while we are getting ready for bed. It might make the house feel more normal. Later, gator. Love you! - Mum, Dad, Ethan & Poppy xxxx ps- Poppy says meooooow.
Felix’s family
22 May 2023 22:48
Dear Felix, looks like you had a fantastic time yesterday and hopefully you managed to squeeze an hour or two of sleep in before the sun rose this morning. Have loads more fun today! Lots of love Dad, Mum, Jacob and Leila xxx
Isabella’s Dad
22 May 2023 22:48
Hi Isabella, Hope you're having a great time - we have seen your photos and are very impressed with the activities you've been doing. We're missing you very much (Matilda says she's jealous and wants your snacks). Love from us all xxx
Ethan’s mum
22 May 2023 23:52
Hi Ethan, It looks like you are having a great time! We miss you and can’t wait to see you on Wednesday - especially Reuben who is very quiet without you.. Lots of love and hugs from Mum, Dad and Reuben xxx
Nina (James HR’s Mum)
23 May 2023 06:43
Morning James! Lily and I have loved seeing the photos of you on the climbing wall, what a daredevil! Have another fun packed day. We are missing your cuddles. We love you loads. Nina and Lily xxxx
23 May 2023 06:47
Hi Zara, it looks like you are having an amazing time. Hope you managed to get some sleep and didn't keep your teachers up all night. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Can't wait to see you tomorrow so you can tell me all about it. Miss you and love you! - mum, dad and Jibrael x PS: Thank you to all the teachers for looking after you all.
Renata Jades Mum
23 May 2023 07:29
Good morning Jade, looks like you are having an amazing time my princess🥰. It’s weird waking up without you. Jaden keep asking when you coming back home😂Enjoy to the fullest, we miss you lads, love you,xxx
Jo (Isabel’s mum)
23 May 2023 07:33
Hi Izzabobble! It looks from the photos like you’re having an amazing time! Hope you slept well last night and were all snuggly-buggly-ruggly! Keep having fun, can’t wait to hear all about it when you get home! We miss you! Loads of love from Mummy, Papi, Lucas, Sherlock, Frida, Venomina, Daphne and Velma xxxx
23 May 2023 08:33
Last edited on 23 May 2023 - 10:24
Good morning Melissa, you look like having a lot of fun. We miss you so much. We are following you from pictures. I wish I can see your kayaking picture as well. We send you lots of love and kisses.
Shaniahs mum
23 May 2023 10:26
Shaniah, I hope you are having the best time. I can see you’re having fun. I hope you slept well and managed to stay warm. Have fun for the next two days and I can’t wait to see you when you get back. Lola misses you too and keeps going in your room. Be good. Stay safe and see you on Wednesday. Love you loads xxx
(Ryan’s Mum)
23 May 2023 10:27
Last edited on 23 May 2023 - 10:28
Good morning Ryan… hope you are doing great! The smile on your face shows you are having such an amazing time.😊 Enjoy your Mini break at Residential and looking forward to seeing more lovely activities pictures of you. We missing you already especially Reanne, have fun and we Love you Lot’s ❤️🫶🏽😘❤️
Mishan mum
23 May 2023 10:45
You look like having lots of sister miss you so much.I love all the pictures.I miss you Mishan.
Natalie Cope
23 May 2023 10:48
Hi Lucy Lou! We are missing you The house is so quiet While you're in a kayak And Bubbles is feeling so blue. We love you loads darling girl!! Have a great day 2!! xxxxx
23 May 2023 21:09
Hi Zachary Quack, Me and your Dad miss you! Reuben is missing having someone to tease and Elijah is missing loosing at wrestling (ha ha!). Hope you've had a good time today, I bet you scaled that wall in no time! Yoda and Hattie are meowing at me as if I haven't noticed you've gone and they are trying to let me know! Really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, love and hugs Mum, Dad, Reuben, Elijah, Hattie and Yoda xxxx

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