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Residential - Day 1

21 Mar 2017

We have arrived! We will be adding photos and videos to this section. 

We are reading all your comments to the Year 6s at meal times. We are loving all the pet names! 













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21 Mar 2017 13:55
Hi Izzy, glad you all made it there safely - have fun. Love Mum, Dad and Melissa xxxxx
21 Mar 2017 16:28
Hi nisa , pleased you all made it there safely enjoy and lots of fun love you baby
21 Mar 2017 16:47
Hi Oliver, it looks like you are already having lots of fun, and glad that the sun has been shining for you all. Hope your neck is feeling better. We will miss you making the packed lunches tonight! Have a good evening. Lots of love Mum, Dad and Eliza xx
21 Mar 2017 16:53
Hi DeAndre, Looks like you're all having a fantastic time. The weather turned out to be lovely for you all. Enjoy yourself, and we miss you so much already. Love you lots. Mummy and Nika xx
21 Mar 2017 16:56
21 Mar 2017 16:58
Hi Anna, Looks like you're having a great time with lovely weather. Do everything, and have fun doing it! (Oh and no chatting until midnight!)
21 Mar 2017 16:59
Hey Annabel, I'm so pleased to see your smiling face! It looks like you are having lots of fun already. Keep smiling and having fun. Missing you already! Love you millions sunshine. Mum and dad (Bev & Murray). Ps Scooby was looking for you but we distracted him with food 😂 Xxxxxx
21 Mar 2017 16:59
Hi Dervis, I'm sure you're having a great time. Have fun and enjoy. We miss you already :)))Love you heaps, mum, dad and Adil xxx
21 Mar 2017 17:02
Hi Fionn - so glad to hear you have arrived safely & we are loving the pictures and the story so far....We are also following everything on all looks like soo much fun....Enjoy yourself and have heaps of fun and & miss you mummy, daddy, Freya & Aoifé
21 Mar 2017 17:04
Last edited on 21 Mar 2017 - 17:06
Hi shanze I really want to see ur pics. Papa aleeze Anaya and mama all love u and miss u sooooooooo much. Have fun and enjoy ur trip. Don't get scared of any activity and their height and try to take part in every activity. Bye and LOVE U LOTS.
21 Mar 2017 17:05
From Nikki Hogan: Hello Hogan!! We hope you're having a fantastic time with all your friends. Cillian can't wait to hear all about it on Friday. Missing you. Love you lots darling. Xxx For Spike: Hello Darling!! Are you having a fabulous time? Don't forget to try everything, like the mums on Got What It Takes!! Bobby says hi!! Love you bundles, sweetheart from Mummy,daddy,Ned, Rae and Maisie xxx
21 Mar 2017 17:23
Hi Henry - Looks like a lot of fun, have a great time and dont forget to eat your veg!!! love Mum, Dad, Mae and Ava x
21 Mar 2017 17:26
Hi Joe, Great to see that you got there safely and you're already having fun. We all miss you but we know you'll have a fantastic time with your friends lots of love Mum, Dad and Rosa
21 Mar 2017 17:42
Hi Zee happy to hear that you have arrived safe, enjoy yourself and the experience I know you will have fun and do all the activities, see you when you get back. Love you Xxx
21 Mar 2017 17:44
Hi Bea. Looks like you are having a great time already and the sun in shining. Henry and I are enjoying the photos on the website; nice picture of your bottom half way up the climbing wall! Henry says "hope you're having fun and looking forward to you giving me a run-down when you get back". Love you. Mum x
21 Mar 2017 17:45
Last edited on 21 Mar 2017 - 17:47
Hi Ashleigh, I hope you are having a great time. We all miss you but know that you are in safe hands and enjoying yourself. How's Fred? :-)
21 Mar 2017 17:46
Hi Boris, looks like everyone is having lots of fun, enjoy yourself. We are all missing you already. Love Mum, Dad, Melissa and Yasmin
21 Mar 2017 18:02
Last edited on 21 Mar 2017 - 18:04
Hi Dylan, dad and I have been looking at all the pictures on twitter it looks amazing I'm sure you are loving the high ropes - I know what a little daredevil you are!! Jake says his sleeping in your bed tonight! Miss you already and love you more! See you soon mum, dad, Jacob, Mimi & Lola xxx
21 Mar 2017 18:05
Hi Nina and Ella. Seems like you got stuck right in. All activities look like lots of fun and you seem to have fantastic weather all around. Keep enjoying it! The house is really quiet without you two.We all miss you lots and can't wait to hear about all your experiences on Friday. Lots of love, Mum, Dad and Noah
21 Mar 2017 18:16
Hi Ahmed, Hope you are having a fantastic time.. We are missing you already 😞 I have reminded Aryeshah about the game.Don't forget to drink water!& take care.Lots of Love Mum, Dad, Aryeshah and Ali
21 Mar 2017 18:46
Last edited on 21 Mar 2017 - 18:46
Hi Jasmine, pleased that you have arrived safely. We are looking at all the great photos that have been posted. It looks like a lot of fun. The sun is shining too, what a bonus! We miss you and love you lots. Have a great time and enjoy all the activities on offer. Love Mum, Dad and of course Byron xxx
21 Mar 2017 19:53
hey pele can,t see you, that you at back? right side?..wth hand up?miss you already buzzz..enjoy your trip
21 Mar 2017 19:55
Hi Ethan, glad to see you all got there ok - loving the hoodies ! Pictures look fantastic and Owen is very jealous ! Have fun and relish every challenge - missing you loads Dad, Mum, Owen, Flash and Ginger xxxx
21 Mar 2017 20:12
Salaam Nadeem darling.I wrote this message at 5ish and it appears not to have reached you.I'm so sorry!It's lovely to see you're having fun.Aleena started to miss you as soon as she stepped into her classroom this morning.I'm sure she'll be on her best behaviour on Friday.Shayla says have a great time.Kareem says you’re on the coach - I reckon he believes you live there now!Baba and I are so proud of you.Enjoy big time.Keep the action pictures coming!Kisses and hugs from us all! xxx
21 Mar 2017 20:16
Hi Amelie and Mya. We are missing you already!! The house is too quiet, i will never moan again about your noise (ok, maybe not for a day or two). You're going to have loads of fun and we will look forward to seeing all the pictures and videos over the coming days. Lots and lots of love, Mum, Dad, Tiger and Ariel.Xx
21 Mar 2017 20:33
Hey Woody, love the hoodie. Have the best time. We love you. Mum, dad and Ags xxxxxx
21 Mar 2017 21:27
Hi Felix, hope you're having an amazing time - looks like there are lots of exciting challenges! Sebastian has been shouting for you tonight! we can't wait to hear all about it, lots of love and big hugs Mum, Dad, Nan and even Anya x
21 Mar 2017 21:34
Hey Will. Glad to see the sun is shining for you. Have the most brilliant time and enjoy every minute to the max! We love you loads gorgeous boy, Dad, Mum, Jacob & Willow xxx HAVE A GREAT TIME YEAR 6 !!! x
21 Mar 2017 23:00
Hi Amie, sorry for messaging so late, not long got home with Chloe. Glad to see you all got there safely, hope you have a wicked time and have loads of fun! Look forward to seeing all the photos and videos on here. Love you lots Mum, Dad, Chloe & Harry xxxx
22 Mar 2017 00:33
Hi Omari darling, so sorry for not messaging you earlier. I couldn't get access to the site when I tried this afternoon, however I've just spotted a new password in my inbox so I can now post. Hope you are having a super time my sweetheart and that you enjoyed today's activities. Look forward to seeing more of your time there. Be safe, and have fun. We love you loads, from Mummy, Daddy, and Miles xxxx
22 Mar 2017 04:42
Hi Shannon, loving the pics, have a great time and enjoy the experience try everything, do everything, look forward to seeing more pics as the week progresses, love you and we all miss you including simba
22 Mar 2017 07:25
Good morning Annabel. We are sure that you all slept well after being so busy yesterday! Hope today is another fun packed day. Look forward to seeing more photos. Love you, Mum and Dad xxxxxxxx
22 Mar 2017 07:28
Hi Annabel, hope the journey down was ok and good to see you made it there. We're all missing you (including Mads) and it is strangely quiet. Jack is missing you and can't seem to settle. He keeps looking out for you. Looks like you are enjoying yourself so keep having a great time and looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Lots of love Mum, Dad, Mads, Coco and JackXXXX
22 Mar 2017 09:21
Morning Krish Hope you're having an amazing time. Loving the pics on twitter.We have actually missed you singing 'Shape of you' at the top of your lungs this morning. Nyssa missed you for her birthday too. We're looking forward to having cake when you get back. Even Jai was looking for you :)Make sure you have the most fun you can and eat well my little man. Love you always Mummy, Naanee, Mama, Jai, Keke, Nyssa xxxx
22 Mar 2017 09:53
Morning Katie, we hope you are having an amazing time and slept well last night but suspect you were all too excited to sleep too well! Have a fab day today. Missing you loads. Love mummy and daddy xx
22 Mar 2017 10:36
Morning Izzy, hope you managed to get some sleep last night. Cant wait to see the pictures from today - miss you lots and lots. Love Mum Dad Melissa and 'T' xxxxxxx
22 Mar 2017 11:21
morning pele hope you got some sleep, enjoy the day missing you buzzz
22 Mar 2017 13:52
Hey Lil. Great to see you having so much fun with your pals. Looks like you're not missing us all!! The house is SO quiet without you! Love you lots - Mum, Dad, Finn and Buster.xx
22 Mar 2017 14:20
Woody, Felix, Beau and Joe - great to see you all in the same room. Sounds like you are having amazzzzzzzing adventures. Hope you have had another great day. Love Joxxxx
22 Mar 2017 14:23
Hi Henry, I can see you are having a fab time. Missing you. I hope you are eating all the healthy food. Love from Mum Dad and Anna xxx
22 Mar 2017 14:48
Hi Dervis, we've been following you on twitter. You guys seem to be having fun. Enjoy every minute. Love and miss you heaps mum, dad and Adil xxx
22 Mar 2017 15:48
Hope you have all had another fun day. It was great to see you settled in your room and hear that you actually had a shower! We are missing you here, Oliver so it is great to see the photos and videos. We are, however, enjoying a little break from the voices of the dudes in those You Tube videos that you watch. Nan and Grandad send their love and are enjoying seeing your activities on the website. Keep enjoying yourself. Lots of love Mum, Dad and Eliza xxx
22 Mar 2017 16:41
Hi Mya and Amelie. It has been lovely seeing everyone having fun in the videos. I hope it hasn't been too wet today, although I'm sure it hasn't spoilt your fun! I can't wait to see what else you have been up to today. Thanks to the teachers and for posting the videos. The house is still too quiet, the cats have been sleeping on your beds, they are really missing you too. Love you loads, Mum, Dad, Tiger and Ariel.Xx
22 Mar 2017 17:11
Hey Nadeem. Loving these pictures and especially the videos. The teamwork and support is great. I'm expecting you to come back with muscles! I've noticed you got the top bunk as you were determined to. Kareem keeps asking why we can't pick you up. 😣. Peace and blessings sweetheart xxx
22 Mar 2017 17:22
Hi Bea. It's lovely to see you in your cabin with your friends and to hear that you're having a great time. Nice pyjamas. It's also fab to see all the co-operation and team work with all your class-mates. What a fantastic adventure. Try everything and enjoy yourself. Love Mum x
22 Mar 2017 17:27
Hi Boris - good to see you having a great time with your room mates, hope the rain is not as bad over there as it is here but I am sure you're enjoying yourself anyway. Yasmin got me a great birthday present, can't wait to see yours (just kidding). All the pictures we get from you and your friends are examined by mums under the microscope for any signs of distress, so make sure you show everyone that you're having a great time. Dad
22 Mar 2017 17:45
Hello Annabel, that beautiful face really brightened my day!! Looks like you are having an amazing time! Missing you so much - can't wait to see you. Love you forever Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxx
22 Mar 2017 17:47
Hiya beebo (Fionn) I loved seeing you in the video - Jasons ladder😅 Hope you are having fun fun fun...We miss you so much...Enjoy - Love you always mum dad freya & aoifé..xxxxxxxxx
22 Mar 2017 19:32
Hi Dan, We were really pleased to see you and your room mates last night, chatting and having a good time. We can't wait to hear how today has been. With love to you from nan - and from mum, dad, Rachel, Honey, Bubbles and the fish.
22 Mar 2017 19:43
Last edited on 22 Mar 2017 - 19:45
Good evening Jasmine, it was nice to see you with your friends on the video. Glad you are having a great time. The house is very quiet without you. Love from Mum, Dad and Byron xxxx

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