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21 Oct 2014

We have an exciting day 2 ahead of us! Dragon Boating! Quad Biking! High Ropes! (To name a few!)








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21 Oct 2014 12:30
Hi Henry, I hope you enjoy your day dragon boating and quad biking. I'm glad that you, Sam and Josh finally get to go up on the high ropes in the tree tops, even though I'm not there to witness it! Love Mum X
21 Oct 2014 12:42
Hi Bahar, quad biking and high ropes sound fantastic and extremely exciting. We can imagine you now wearing a helmet and climbing the high ropes. You are really brave as you always are. Can't wait to watch your video tonight. Take care. Love, mum and dad.
21 Oct 2014 13:25
hi Jude quad biking and high ropes !! how lucky ! are the ropes as high as Go Ape ? hope you and your friends are all having soooooo much fun. missing you lots champ ,ralph is sleeping with me at night on your side of the is lovely not having the xbox on thou ;) keep having fun ...mummy,bailey,ralph and tilly xxx
21 Oct 2014 13:34
Hi Mads, hope you got a "bit" of sleep last night after all the excitement died down and sweets scoffed!! :) Sounds like you have an excellent day's activities ahead and really looking forward to watching the videos tonight and seeing your smiley face which we miss. It was quiet last night and very strange seeing your empty bedroom last night and this morning. Coco's been in your room wondering where you are too! Lots of love Mum, Dad & Annabel XXX
21 Oct 2014 14:24
Hi Luc, bet your favourite is quad biking!! I will need to check what dragon boating is but no doubt you will love it too...very exciting wish I could be up there on the tree tops with you. Missing you lots. Mummy xxxxxx
21 Oct 2014 14:40
Last edited on 21 Oct 2014 - 14:51
Hi Sam, It all sounds very exciting - who needs Go Ape?! You all look very at home in your cabin. We hope you're enjoying every minute! Can't wait to see the videos from today. Miss you and love you lots. Mum, Dad and Nia xxx
21 Oct 2014 14:48
Hi Noah, wow that sounds like an exciting day ahead! Have fun dragon boating and with all the other activities. We can't wait to see the video. Miss you and can't wait to tell you the news from here. Lots and lots of love from Mama, Papa, Nina and Ella xxxx
21 Oct 2014 14:49
Hey Matt, We hope you are having fun, it certainly sounds like it is going to be a great day. We can't wait to see the videos. Hope it's not too windy over there ! Miss you, even Chris believe it or not. Love Mum, Dad and Chris xxx
21 Oct 2014 15:08
Hi Dylan, Hope you are having a great day doing all the things you love, please remember they are quad bikes not bumper cars! The high ropes could be interesting in these winds but enjoy, missing you Logan keeps asking where you are, love you mum, dad, Codey and Logan xxx
21 Oct 2014 16:46
Hi Agnes, do scary stuff and enjoy all the screaming and laughing. Your room mates look fun, good to see Ella and Daisy with you. Enjoy your adventures. Love you loads and loads, Woody, Dad and Mum. XX
21 Oct 2014 16:58
Hi Emmanuel we hope you are having a good time. Go on boy and enjoy your activities .Lots of kisses from Dad, Mum, Ruth ,Prisca, Nathanael
21 Oct 2014 17:20
Hey Charlotte - looking a little bit sleepy in the photos!! Cabin 8 rocks!!!!!! Well jel of all your amazing activities - don't get water in your 'size 7 wellies' or you'll sink!! Have fun and eat all your dinner!! Missing our little Lottie cakes - Woody sends a woof and we send some 'warm hugs' lots of love from Mum, Dad and Cameron & Tiger x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
21 Oct 2014 17:31
Hi Joseph hope you have had a fun day - saw you at the back of the breakfast queue - hope there were enough sausages left for you ! Looks like there was 'some' blue sky in the photos I have seen - sending all our love for a peaceful eve !!! And great fun filled day tomorrow love you lots mum dad and Amy xxxx
21 Oct 2014 17:33
Oh and a big thank you for the photos and videos they are fantastic keep em coming !!!!
21 Oct 2014 17:55
Hi Lucas, I hope you are having a wonderful time. Ollie and Zac are missing you and the house is too quiet without you. I can't wait to see more pictures of you trying something new each day. Love you sooooooooo much. Mummy x x x
21 Oct 2014 17:56
Hi Maia, we’re loving all the photos and videos and we are so jealous we'll be on the next ferry over (not really)! You are missing Mouse, she misses you too! What about us?! You could at least pretend to miss us! Thanks for your voice message on my phone, Humbug has moved into my bedroom and may not return! Enjoy all the amazing activities. Missing you loads, lots of love, Mama, Mummy, Sam, Bovington and Mouse x P.S. Hi, it's Sam here. I would like to tell you that I am so jealous! x
21 Oct 2014 17:58
Hi Maia, just heard from Miss Addai, sorry you have a sore throat. Please get better quick, get to sleep quick tonight and hope you don't miss out on all the fun. Take care, lots and lots of love, Mama, Mummy and Sam xxxxx
21 Oct 2014 18:20
Hi Soph, hope you had a fab time today taking part in all of the exciting activities. Can't wait to see you on Thursday so you can tell us all about it - Mum, Dad & Harry xxx
21 Oct 2014 18:25
Hello Mohammad how are you? we all missing you at home, looks like you enjoying yourself very much take care of yourself can't wait to see you lots of love Rabia (Mum), Zara and Aisha.
21 Oct 2014 18:29
Hi Haroon, looks like you having a fantastic time at PGL, Aamnah and Laiba missing you so much when they see you they start calling out your name and saying come home. Hope you eating and sleeping well see you soon love all of us.
21 Oct 2014 18:56
Hello Irene & Kitty, looks like you are having a very busy and exciting time! It's very quiet here without you!!! Aurelie is having extra pancakes in your absence.....said to say she is missing you....Not! Hope you are not blown away with those blustery winds! Wrap up warm Love & Hugs Mum,Dad,Aurelie & Napoleon xxxx
21 Oct 2014 19:18
Hi Melissa! It looks like you're having the most fantastic time, hope you've had a great day, we're keeping an eye out for the photos on Twitter, love you loads!!! Mum Dad & Isabel xxxxxx
21 Oct 2014 19:39
HELLO ALEX!! We are so happy to see the film of you in your cabin and also totally chuffed that you are having fun! Don't be homesick - you should enjoy yourself. Go and get muddy!! We miss you!! Does that mean we are AlexSick? We love you and are so proud of you xxxxxxxxxx
21 Oct 2014 19:43
Hi Owen, hope you are having fun with all those great activities - find out if they will let us do Family Camp there next year ?! Given its Tuesday here's a message for you, Luc, Henry, Sam and Josh from Robert.... "PACK ! PACK ! PAAAAAAAAACK !". Missing your smiley face Dad, Mum and Ethan xxx
21 Oct 2014 20:02
Looks amazing Tilly. Hope you are having lots of fun and it wasn't too difficult to wake you this morning. Love Mum and Dad Hi Salad hope your having loads of fun, and that you're actually managing to wake up on time Martha
21 Oct 2014 20:09
Night Emmanuel! We have seen you on the videos and pictures it looks amazing. We hope you are enjoying yourself with your friends and also enjoying the activities which are very challenging. Hope you have a good sleep and make sure you wake up early tomorrow to be active We miss you lots of love and kisses from Mum, Dad, Ruth,Prisca and Nathanael Night Night
21 Oct 2014 20:16
Hi Caitlin, loving the videos and photos (thanks teachers), nice to see you all having fun, wonder what's in store for tomorrow. Have a good night, hope you get some sleep in your cosy cabin. Love you lots Mummy, Amber and Lily xxx
21 Oct 2014 20:26
Zacydoodah!!! It looks crazy in the cabin, and that you're having a great time. And, yes, I'm on tha laptop working hahahah - welcome to my world :) The weather is really pants here, I hope you don't get blown away too. Really missing you Dudes, can't wait to see you. Lots of love the rest of the Over mob :) xxx
21 Oct 2014 20:33
Any breakfast left for you Ella?! Get to the front tomorrow. :-) Wow what fun you are all having.Eva is counting the days to the school disco. We planned her outfit this eve!!! She hasnt trashed your room yet. Hee Hee. Have a good eve and even more excitement tomorrow. Love Mum and all. Nana, Andy and Nikki also send their love xx
21 Oct 2014 20:55
HI Lou-Lou.I've seen all the photos of of the activities you did today looks like a lot of fun! Hope you managed to get up in those trees sweetie. Enjoy tomorrow. Missing you loads love from us all-including PJ.xxxx
21 Oct 2014 21:02
Hi Josh, looking forward to hearing tales of your intrepid experiences in "Little Canada" ... Were you blown away by "high ropes" in high winds or go overboard Dragon Boating or quad biking? Hope you are all snug and having fun in your cabin with crew no.2. Looking forward to the next exciting instalment tomorrow! Love mum, dad and Sam. XXX
21 Oct 2014 21:02
Hi Daisy, loving the video you look like your having a gret time! Miss you loads Mummy, Daddy, Beau xx
21 Oct 2014 21:18
Last edited on 21 Oct 2014 - 21:35
Hey Luke, looks like you are having lots of fun x Jack and Bethany send you big kisses and hugs and Dad and I are missing your singing and dancing around the house. Enjoy building those special memories with all your friends x Sleep tight darling. Love Mum, Dad, Jacky Boy & Bethany Boo xxx Thank You Teachers for keeping us updated x
21 Oct 2014 21:21
Hi Danaë, I loved your cabin video...missing you too bubs! Sounds like you had an amazing day of activities. Can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow. Little Maurice has been keeping me company :) Love you lots from Mummy xxx PS. Thanks for all the updates Teachers! Keep them coming please!
21 Oct 2014 22:16
Hi Lois. It looks like you are having a brilliant time! We can't wait to hear all about it on Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing what you get up to tomorrow - enjoy every minute of your exciting adventure! Lots of love and sloppy kisses from Mummy, Daddy, and Noah - and a cheeky nibble from Dot! xxxx
21 Oct 2014 22:40
Hey Zac, looks like your having a wild time can't wait to see the next video,I bet your cabin is the best one and the noisiest. Nanny Jo sends here love and says she will see you in France. Have fun mate see you soon love you Dad & Co xx
22 Oct 2014 07:10
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN, we are missing you so much and are really proud of you, looks like you are having a great time and hope today is the best day ever. We have all your presents waiting for you and can't wait to see you. Nanny, Grandad, Michelle, Skye, Seb, Casper, Lee, Lara, Zak and Summer all wish you a fantastic birthday. Codey is sitting here telling me to type have a really, really, really great birthday. Love you darling Mum, Dad, Codey and Logan xxx
22 Oct 2014 07:26
Good morning Emmanuel, we hope you had a good sleep how are you feeling today? ready for onather fun day,go on boy have a brilliant time and we are waiting to see the next video enjoy it ok. Lots kisses from Dad, Mum, Ruth,Prisca,Nathanael.
22 Oct 2014 07:28
Hi Charlie, loved seeing you in the video and photos, looks like your having a fab time. We all miss you, its very quite without you here. Can't wait to see what you get up to today, have fun. Wish Dylan a happy birthday from us. Have a great day, lots of love mum, dad and Tom xxxx
22 Oct 2014 08:08
Good morning Bahar, hope you have enjoyed the activities and adventures so far. Your cabin looks very cool and finally you got your bunk bed:-) You should tell us more about the chicken thingy you had (:-)) and the best dinner ever. We look forward to seeing more photos and find out what you have been up to today. There s only today and tomorrow left of your trip, make the most of it and enjoy. See you soon, love, mum & dad xxxxx
22 Oct 2014 08:21
Morning Katie Kate! It was good to see on the video, you having a laugh in your room. Hope you enjoyed all the activities yesterday and are all set for more today! We videoed Hugo opening his presents this morning so you can see when you come home. He is looking forward to his birthday kiss and cuddle from his big sister! Have a fantastic day Katie, all our love Dad, Annie, Joseph & Hugo XXXXXXXXXXX

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