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Maths Monday 1 June 2020
Miss Jordaan - 31 May 2020
LO: To recal multipliction and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12
You can start practising the x tables/divisions you are more confident with, to see if you can improve your scores.
Once you're happy with your score you can start practising the x-tables/divisions you are not confident with.
Independent work
You can print the 1st 2 pages of the maths challenge. You don't need to complete both sheets today. You can do one today and one tomorrow. Time yourself when doing each column. Use the answer sheets to mark each column. Can you improve your score and speed when moving on to the next column?
-maths challenge.pdf-
I am confident with ______x tables
I need to practise the _______x tables
I am confident with division by ______
I need to practise division by _______