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History Project in Year 4
13 Nov 2015
Friday 13th November 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
For the next 4 weeks, we would like your child to work on a project about a famous discovery, invention or inventor from the Victorian era. They need to find some information about the person, invention or discovery of their choice. This just needs to be at least 2 sides of an A4 sheet. The project can take any form, eg; on a larger poster, powerpoint presentation, booklet or storyboard. See down below for a list of possible suggestions (some are not British, but the inventions are a crucial part of our history.) We aim to present these projects to the rest of the class from 7th December onwards.
We will we only send home spellings for English homework during this time. The children need to return their work by Friday 4th December. If you need any further assistance with this, please come and see us over the next few days.
Many Thanks
Mrs Leftwich and Mrs Wilson
Inventions: |
Inventors: |
Discoveries: |
Jelly Babies
Morse Code
The Easter Egg
Postage Stamps
The Telephone
Ice cream
The Post Box
Joseph Swann
Alexander Graham Bell
Charles Wheatstone
George Stephenson
Alexander Parkes
Thomas Edison
Isambard Kindom Brunel
Solutions for the Cholera Epidemic (John Snow)
Germ Theory (Louis Pasteur)