Maths Homework 20.05.22
20 May 2022
We are focussing on fractions at the moment in Maths!
This week we would like the children to survey their family and home environment to create a small poster called.....
"Fractions of amounts in my house!"
This could be the fractions of the different eye or hair colours in your family.
E.g. 2 of my family have blue eyes, 3 of my family have brown eyes.
5 5
E.g. Our fruit bowl is 1 lemons, 3 bananas and 3 kiwis and 4 limes.
10 10 10 10

Please look at at least 5 groups of things. How about your t-shirts or sock collection, maybe you have toy cars or you could look at which countries the members of your favourite foorball team come from!
Challenge yourself by looking at groups of objects greater than 20 e.g. your cutlery drawer or go outside and look at the door colours or cars parked on your street!
Further chllenge yourself by adding some fractions together!
Present your work on a sheet of paper, you can decorate it or draw pictures if you wish and be ready to share it with the class next week!