Homework for Spring 1 Mid-term break
11 Feb 2022
Here are some details on the homework set for the mid-term break.

We have set some tasks on My Maths for the children to complete:
We have included a recap on column addition and subtraction, some money tasks, and a challenge task - Money Calculations.
We have set an additional homework task for Geography. The children will need to create a fact file on ONE of three African countries. This week we created fact files at school on the U.K. so we would know exactly what to do for this project at home!
Ultimately, the idea is that we can make a contrast between the U.K. and a number of countries from the African continent. We will discuss the similarities and differences and we also hope to challenge the stereotype that all African countries are impoverished.
Wishing you all a wonderful break!
Thank you again for all your support,
The Year Three Team