Summer term 2 Newsletter
05 Jul 2016
Year 3 Summer Term 2 Newsletter
So…the final term of Year 3! Wow! We have some fun learning activities planned.
Curriculum Areas
English- Performance Poetry/reciting poetry/writing own poetry using famous poets as inspiration.
Maths- Use column addition to add three 2- and 3-digit numbers together and four 2- and 3-digit numbers together; subtract 3-digit numbers using counting up; solve word problems choosing an appropriate method; multiplication and division; properties of shapes: Identify, name and draw horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel and diagonal lines, angles and symmetry in 2D shapes; measure the perimeter of 2D shapes by counting and measuring with a ruler; tell the time on analogue and digital clocks to the minute, begin to tell the time 5, 10, 20 minutes later, recognise am and pm and 24-hour clock times; fractions, ratio and proportion; percentages and their equivalence to fractions.
Science- Magnets and Forces, Light and shadows
Geography - Europe-land features
R.E -What is faith and what difference does it make? What faiths do we have in our class?
P.E- Athletic ,rounders, relay.
Computing- Developing own surveys using ‘Survey Monkey’ programme; Coding; See saw app .
Music- Music express scheme: ‘Poetry’
Art – Famous artists, painting, sketching, modelling with clay.
P4C - Current news topics, links with R.E. topic.
Dates for your diary
- Wednesday 13th July - Meet the teacher
- Fun trip to Highams Park playing field- Friday 15th July 1.15-3.30p.m.
Any parents who would like to join us let your class teacher know.
- End of Term (2:30pm) -Wednesday 20th July
We have really enjoyed teaching both classes this year and hope you all have a fantastic summer break!
Best wishes, Miss Jordaan & Miss Lloyd