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Geography in 1IL - Map Reading, Map Making and Compass Reading

22 Oct 2020















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22 Oct 2020 00:30
Never eat shredded wheat! That is the one I remember from school! Such a lovely activity - can’t wait until they are all back together again after half term - they have so much fun!
22 Oct 2020 08:43
Brilliant. They are transfixed!
22 Oct 2020 10:11
I also remember the never eat shredded wheat. Iris really enjoyed this activity. Thank you for sharing the photos they look like they are having so much fun.
24 Oct 2020 21:56
Hello mummy and Jenson. Yes, it was one that I used at school too and that is going back a very, very, very long time indeed! Yes, I can't wait to be back at school too, to continue all our fun learning.X
24 Oct 2020 21:58
Hello mummy and Wylder. Yes, it was a great lesson. The compasses are very tricky to use, but the children were totally focussed and loved seeing the needle move. We had great fun going in different directions. X
24 Oct 2020 21:58
Last edited on 24 Oct 2020 - 21:59
Hello Mummy and Iris. Yes, I think Iris would agree, both lessons were really fun. I am glad you enjoyed looking at the pictures.X


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