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Safer Internet Day 2021
09 Feb 2021




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Safer Internet Day 11.02.2020

Mrs Giacuzzo - 19 Feb 2020

Safer Internet Day Parent Workshop.

On Tuesday 11th February 2020, Sue Tovell from London CLC led a workshop for parents all about how to keep our children safe online.

For those of you who could not attend, here is the presentation from the workshop, along with some useful notes underneath.

  -Copy of Digital Parenting 2020.pdf-  

NSPCC Net Aware -  Amongst other things, this website shows age ratings for videos (enter the name of the video you are researching into their search bar to see it's rating). It also explains apps such as 'what's app' and .Tick Toc and it has reviews from other children so that your child can see what others say about these apps. Peer reviews can often be more popular with children than listening to parental opinions. 
Family mode - this can be turned on in your settings on phones, iPads, tablets etc. It's present for android, iPhone and windows phones and it improves security while your child uses your device. It can restrict apps, higher rated videos, websites etc.
Google link / family link - this is an app which allows you to see exactly what your child is looking at on their own device. You can enter this app on your own phone, and see what your child is doing on theirs.
You tube kids – in the settings of this app you can set time limits, turn comments off, turn auto-play off so that similar/recommended videos do not automatically play after your desired video has ended and you can create a family account so you can track what children look at.
Child line zip it - this app provides funny pictures/images that your child can send to others to put an end to undesired communication. This enables them to end a conversation with someone else when they feel uncomfortable, without them feeling 'un-cool' among their peers.
Challenge your friend  - this is a child friendly app for two people – parents can play with their child which makes it great for sharing screen time with your child.
Digital parenting magazine  - this is not printed anymore but is free online. You can subscribe to regular updates and latest news on popular apps, rated apps and websites, latest games, latest eSafety news etc
Internet matters -  this gives you ways to find settings to kit, Xbox Netflix, laptops etc
C-eops report - this website is for reporting online safety issues. There is a child friendly version called  'Thinkyouknow' which shows  old online safety cartoons.
Instergram -  this app remembers what you have looked at previously. There has been a case in the past where a child searched for 'self harm' information. This search resulted in her being bombarded with more self harm videos and this resulted in her death. This setting cannot be turned off on this app. It will always remember past searches.

5rights - a website that you can subscribe to to get up-to-date newsletters.
Parent zone - this website provides a free parent pack talking about e-gaming turning into gambling.
Family agreements - it is great to make agreements with children that all the family can stick to e.g.. no devices upstairs - all devices must be charged in the kitchen overnight. Set rules that are achievable, that will not cause problems later on and that ALL members of the family stick to.  Make sure that all members of the family are aware of these rules, check with cousins, friends etc that they know your internet boundaries. This is especially important when children are visiting friends with older children, make sure other parents are aware of your internet boundaries.
Nspcc ice breaker - this is an email series which provides help for parents to chat to their children to find out the latest things that they are looking at, the latest big thing etc.
Don't forget - Children want to be stopped, they want parent time and attention.
Next steps -
Make an action plan
Make an agreement
Choose apps that are ok for your children to use
Setting limitations
Set a date for when to revise your agreement
Decide whether there will be some clauses for half term and holidays
Share it with family and friends.
Keep talking, keep it up beat
Have a go yourself with your child on games and web sites to see what the draw is.
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