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Online Safety Update

Mrs Giacuzzo - 28 Jun 2017

Image result for snap chat

Last week SnapChat, used regularly by many children and young people, launched a new feature. SnapChat is an app that lets you send a photo, short video or message to your contacts. The ‘snap’ appears on screen for up to 10 seconds before disappearing, although it can be screenshotted. There’s also a feature called SnapChat Story that lets you share snaps in a sequence for up to 24 hours. The minimum age for SnapChat is 13 years old.

SnapMaps, the new feature which is automatically enabled, allows users to see the location of their contacts. This feature allows others to accurately pinpoint where you are. There are three possible privacy settings:

Ghost mode, where only you can see your position;

My Friends mode, where any contact can see your location; and

Select Friends mode, just those who you choose can see you

ChildNet have posted a thorough explanation of SnapMaps and how to ensure users stay safe. Well worth a read to share with anyone you know who uses the app.


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