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Comprehension homework 22nd of Nov
14 Nov 2019
This is your comprehension homework for Friday 22nd of Nov
Your homework this week is to answer one question from the 'Basic' secion and two questions from the general section about a book you have read recently. This can include a book read at school or at home. Please include the title and the author of the book.
Write your answers in your spelling book.
1. Was there anything you liked about this book?
• What especially caught your attention?
• What would you have liked more of?
2. Was there anything you disliked about this book?
• Did you skip parts? Which ones?
• If you gave up, where did you stop and what stopped you?
3. Was there anything that puzzled you?
• Was there anything you thought strange?
• Was there anything that you’d never found in a book before?
• Was there anything that took you completely by surprise?
1. When you first saw this book, even before you read it, what kind of book did you think it was going to be?
• Now you’ve read it, is it as you expected?
• Have you read other books like it?
2. Have you noticed anything special about the language or sentence structure used in this book?
3. If the writer asked you what could be improved in the book, how would you have made it better?
4. Has anything that happens in the book ever happened to you?
• In what ways was it the same or different for you?
• Did the book make you think differently about your own similar experience?
• Which parts in the book seem to you to be most true to life?
5. When reading did you find any writing that provided you with a clear image in your head?
6. What will you tell your friends about this book? What would you suggest to other people that will help them decide whether they want to read it or not?