Mental Health week
07 Feb 2022
Growing Together
Today we learnt about trees. All trees have rings inside their trunk to show how they have grown. Sometimes there are lots of rings because the tree grew a lot. This means that it had all the things it needed to grow. Sometimes the tree doesn't grow very much because it doesn't have everything it needs.
Each tree tells its own story and no matter what happens around the tree it still grows
Human beings change and grow- we do it all the time and in many different ways. Some growth is easy to see, like when we grow from babies into children or when flowers grow in spring. But other growth may be difficult to spot, in fact it might seem like we’re not growing at all. People can be like trees, sometimes we are having a really good day and having lots of fun at Nursery. Other times we might be upset because we had a tricky morning or our friends aren’t being kind. We can still learn and have fun because we have people who can help us even when things are tough or a bit hard.
Weall need support to help us keep growing
Each day we are going to listen to a different song that will help us change and grow
Today is about learning to build a growth mindset with the "Power of Yet"