Our Interactive Maths Displays are also working areas.
Where else have you seen cones in real life?
Can you work out the area around your hand using a piece of string? How many ways can you make 40? Digital Clock or Analogue Clock...Can you tell the time? Nesting boxes ...How many squares on the grid will you need for a fourth bigger box? We are reaching for the stars with our Maths Vocabulary. Maths Challenges are part of our Daily Lessons.
Maths is not just an hour lesson a day.... We are often playing this Triangular Multiplication Domino Game to consolidate our understanding of multiplication. Can you think of things that Miss Jordaan and her sister had to double or halve when they grew up? Do you think they still have to share the last chocolate in the house? Do you know the Multiples of 5 and 2?
Hickory Dickory Dock Do you know the time on the clock? AAAAArrrrh SPIDER!!!