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Multiplication Bingo

03 Mar 2015

In Maths Club today we practiced our multiplication skills in a fun way.
We played multiplication bingo and a multiplication card game.
We learnt and used a variety of methods to find the answers to the multiplication calculations when playing these games.
  • If the number has a 2,4,6,8,0 in the units column the number is definitely  a multiple of 2 but it can be a multiple of another number too.
  • The even numbers are multiples of 2.
  • If the number has a 5 or a 0 in the units column the number is a multiple of 5
  • If you see a 0 in the units column the number is a multiple of 10 eg. 90 = 10x9 or 9x10
  • Doubling – double 4 = 2x4
  • If the sum is 8 x5 we put 8 fingers up and counted in 5s











 For our multiplication card games we shared 20 cards equally between 2 children.
We each put a card down. We multiplied the numbers by 5. The child with the lowest total was the winner and kept the cards. We continued and repeated the game  for x2 x3 and x10.






Our thoughts…
  • We were getting much faster to recall the multiplication facts at the end of the session.
  • We were very patient to wait our turns.
  • I liked bingo because I know my 2,3,4,5,10x tables
  • I like challenging things
  • It was hard but I got through it
  • I enjoyed the bingo game because it was fun and although I didn’t win I was still happy.
  • Some of the multiplications were difficult so I need to practice more.
  • I liked the bingo games because it helped me with my times tables.
  • It is sometimes hard to multiply but I tried my best.
  • The card game was easy because I know my times tables.
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