Virtual Hallowen Balloon Race launch on 31st October at 9:00am
Friends of Handsworth - 19 Oct 2020
Virtual Hallowen Balloon Race launch on 31st October at 9:00am
Buy as many balloons as you like, £3.00 per balloon. Visit
Add your name, choose colour, shape and pattern. Race runs for 7 days.
Virtual balloon races are fun seven-day computer simulation race where everything is real except the balloon. Uniquely, the software uses current live weather data and has no negative environmental impact on birds, animals, climate change, plastic waste or litter.
All the virtual balloons can be decorated with colours, patterns and text plus tracked 24/7 on Google Maps and satellites once the race is launched.
Other functionality allows balloon flight parameters such as helium content, rubber thickness and shape to be altered to suit the predicted weather conditions of the race, thus enhancing chances of winning.
* National prizes (1st place £500, 2nd place Apple Ipad and £10 book tokens)
*winner is the balloon that has flown the furthest, as measured in a straight line from the launch location. Friends of Handsworth will have our own prizes should we reach our event target amount £1000.
Thank you for your support,
Max Ferreira
Friends of Handsworth