Big Maths House Colour Day
30 Jan 2017
Friday 10th February 2017 is our Big Maths House Colour Day.
It is a day full of fun and challenging mathematical activities for children across the whole school. To add to the sense of enjoyment and love of Maths, your child can come to school dressed with a Maths theme on this day.
Children can dress as Shapes, numbers, patterns, wear a T-shirt/Thinker’s cap with a maths problem, mathematicians or wear something in their house colour.
There will be competitions held within year groups:
Nursery, Early Years & KS1: Get creative with 2D/3D Shapes and patterns!
Make a model, sketching, paintings showing shapes and patterns.
Years 3-4: Use your imagination! Write a Maths poem using mathematical vocabulary!
Years 5-6: Show off your talent! Write and perform a Maths song/rap using mathematical vocabulary!
All KS2 entries must be submitted to Mrs Chetty and all Nursery, Early Years & KS1 entries must be submitted to Miss Lewis by Monday 6th February 2017!
Also, we are very keen on having parent volunteers whose occupation may involve MATHS to come in and share their expertise with the children. Please inform your child’s class teacher if you can share your expertise.